(A)   Any person desiring water service from the water system of the municipality for premises not theretofore connected with the system shall apply for a connection on a form provided by the municipality. Such application shall give an exact description of the premises to be served. Such application shall be filed with the City Finance Officer, and the applicant shall, thereupon, pay to the City Finance Officer (as and for a connection charge) the sum of $100 for residential, $150 for commercial, and $500 for out-of-city limit users.
   (B)   These connection fees may be changed by resolution, and such payment shall be returned to the applicant if the application is refused. Such connection charge shall entitle the applicant to connection with the water main and supervision by the municipality of the applicants connection with the premises. Such connection charges shall be applicable only to premises fronting or abutting on streets or alleys wherein municipal water mains are laid.
   (C)   In the event that application is received for service to other premises, the charge shall be determined by the governing board at the time such application is granted but in no event shall be less than the estimated actual cost thereof to the municipality.
(Prior Code, § 13.08.020) (Ord. 01-20, passed - -; Ord. 10-7, passed 8-5-2010)