§ 31.18 VACANCIES.
   (A)   Vacancies. The removal of any city officer, Alderperson, or Mayor for which he or she was elected, appointed, or hired shall cause a vacancy in the office or position. Reasons for removal may be, but are not limited to: his or her failure (after notice of his or her election, appointment, or hiring) to qualify and enter into the duties of his or her office or the conviction of any such officer of any public offense other than a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 2.08.040)
   (B)   Fill vacancies. In the case of vacancy for officers, regardless of the cause, the vacancy shall be filled by advertising and hiring. Vacancies in the office of Alderpersons shall be filled until the next regular election by appointment of the Council with a qualified person from the ward in which the vacancy exists.
(Prior Code, § 2.08.050)
(Ord. 12-2, passed 6-7-2012)