(A)   Severability. The invalidation of any subsection, clause or phrase in the section on signs, by any court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the sections on signs.
   (B)   Non-commercial signs & messages. Anywhere that the section on signs allows a commercial message to be displayed, a non-commercial message may be substituted.
   (C)   The following regulations shall control the computation and measurement of sign area and sign height:
      (1)   Determining sign area.
         (a)   SIGN AREA is defined in § 154.473(C).
         (b)   Where a sign has two or more faces, the area of all faces shall be included in determining the area of the sign, except where two such faces are placed back to back and at no point are more than 18 inches from one another. The area of the sign shall be taken as the area of one face if the two faces are of equal area or as the area of the larger face if the two faces are not of equal size.
         (c)   Architectural features that are part of the building are not considered signs and are exempt from these regulations provided that such features are clearly distinguishable from the sign display itself and the area of such architectural features do not exceed 100% of the area of the sign.
         (d)   For a sign that is framed, paneled, outlined, painted or otherwise prepared and intended to provide a background for a sign display, the area of the sign shall include the geometric shapes that encompasses the entire area of the sign including the background or frame.
         (e)   For a sign comprised of individual letters, figures, logos, icons or other design elements, which are mounted directly to a wall or similar surface of a building or other structure and which is not framed, outlined or otherwise displayed against a background as noted in § 154.473(A)(4), the sign area shall be calculated as the geometric area that encloses the extreme limits of the letters, figures, logos, icons or other design elements.
      (2)   Special provisions for freestanding and projecting signs.
         (a)   For freestanding and projecting signs, the sign area shall be computed by the measurement of one of the faces when two display faces are joined and are parallel or are within ten degrees (10°) of being parallel to each other and are part of the same sign structure. For any sign that has two display surfaces that do not comply with the above regulation, or has more than two display surfaces then each surface shall be included when determining the area of the sign.
         (b)   Architectural features that are part of a freestanding structure, including a solid base or other supporting structure, are not considered signs and are exempt from these regulations provided that the following conditions are met:
            1.   The base or other sign support does not exceed a height of three feet.
            2.   The base or other sign support excludes all commercial messages, corporate colors, trademarks, logos and/or other elements designed to attract attention and function as signage.
            3.   The area of all architectural features, including the solid base, does not exceed 100% of the area of the sign.
         (c)   The height of a freestanding sign shall be measured as the vertical distance from the uppermost point of the sign to the bottom of the sign, sign base or other support structure at the average grade immediately below the sign. However, if the ground at the base of the sign has been augmented in a manner that adds height to the sign, sign height shall be measured to the average grade of the lot on which the sign will be located.
         (d)   The minimum required setback shall apply to all elements of the sign, including, frame, base and other architectural features.
   (D)   Definitions. The following shall serve as definitions to terms which may be referred to within these sections relating to signs (§§ 154.470 through 154.486):
      (1)   ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE. Any construction attendant to, but not an integral part of the sign, which may consist of landscaping, building or structural forms that enhance the site in general; also, graphic stripes and other architectural painting techniques applied to a structure that serves a functional purpose, or when the stripes or other painting techniques are applied to a building provided such treatment does not include lettering, logos or pictures.
      (2)   BILLBOARD. A sign structure advertising an establishment, merchandise, event, service or entertainment which is not sold, produced, manufactured or furnished at the property on which the sign is located. See also SIGN, OFF-PREMISE.
      (3)   BUILDING WALL. Any vertical surface of a building or structure (other than a pitched roof) that is integral to and could reasonably be constructed as part of the architecture of the building when a sign(s) is/are not being contemplated. Examples of building walls include but are not limited to: awnings, canopies, marquees, the vertical portion of gable roofs, parapets, mechanical penthouses, etc.
      (4)   COPY AREA. That portion of a sign face encompassing the letters, the space between letters, as well as other symbols, icons, illustrations or other graphic elements.
      (5)   FLAG. Any fabric, banner or bunting containing distinctive colors, patterns or symbols, used as a symbol of a government, political subdivision, corporate or commercial entity, or institution. A corporate or commercial, or institutional flag may only display the name, trademark, or logo of the business or institution on the parcel and such flag may not be used for other business or advertising purposes.
      (6)   GRAPHIC, WALL. A type of building sign in which a logo, emblem, lettering, decal or other graphical element is etched, affixed or painted directly onto a building wall. See also, SIGN, BUILDING.
      (7)   GRAPHIC, WINDOW. A logo, emblem, lettering, decal or other graphical element that is etched into or affixed onto a door or window. See also, SIGN, WINDOW.
      (8)   ITEM OF INFORMATION. A word, logo, icon, number, photograph, or other symbol or graphic used on a sign to convey a message or meaning.
      (9)   NEGATIVE SPACE. The open space surrounding the copy area of a sign.
      (10)   PARCEL. One or more tracts of land exclusive of land dedicated as public thoroughfares, streets or alleys, under single ownership or control that may or may not be subdivided, improved or developed. The terms "lot" or "property" may also be used to refer to a parcel.
      (11)   PRINCIPAL STREET. The street on which a property fronts. For corner lots, the longer of the two streets may be considered the principal street.
      (12)   SIGN. Any visual communication display, object, device, graphic, structure or part, situated indoors or outdoors, or attached to, painted on or displayed from a building or structure, in order to direct or attract attention to, or to announce or promote, an object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization, or business or the like, by means of letters, words, model, banner, flag, pennant, insignia, device, designs, colors, symbols, fixtures, images, illuminations or representation used as, or which is in the nature of an announcement, direction, or advertisement.
      (13)   SIGN (DISPLAY) AREA. Sign or display area shall mean the face of all the display area(s) of the sign and includes the entire area within a circle, globe, polygon or other geometric feature that encloses the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, lettering or any figure of similar character, together with any frame or other material or color, which forms an integral part of the display or is used to differentiate such a sign from the background against which it is placed. The sign area shall be considered to be the largest area that any sign would project on a plane.
      (14)   SIGN, AERIAL. A balloon or other airborne flotation device, which is tethered to the ground, a building or other structure that directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered for sale.
      (15)   SIGN, BANNER. A type of temporary sign that is made of lightweight fabric or similar material with no enclosing framework that is mounted to a building or other structure at one or more edges.
      (16)   SIGN, BUILDING. A sign attached to any part of a building and including wall, awning, canopy, and projecting signs. A wall sign is a building sign that is parallel to and does not extend from the wall more than 12 inches.
      (17)   SIGN, CHANGEABLE COPY. A sign with letters, characters, or graphics that are not permanently affixed to the structure, framing, or background allowing the letters, characters or graphics to be modified periodically either manually or by electronic or mechanical devices. Such devices are also known as message boards or electronic message boards. Changeable copy signs may not be used to display commercial messages relating to products or services that are not offered on the property.
      (18)   SIGN, CONSTRUCTION. A temporary sign identifying a project or facility during the time of construction. Such signs typically include the name of an architect, engineer and/or contractor for a building or project located on the parcel.
      (19)   SIGN, DIRECTIONAL. A permanent sign that is intended to provide information to employees and customers regarding vehicular access to and from the site and/or to provide information regarding traffic flow throughout the site. See also SIGN, EXIT OR ENTRANCE.
      (20)   SIGN, ENTRANCE OR EXIT. A sign located at the driveway entrance or exit and intended to provide for safe access to and from a site.
      (21)   SIGN, FEATHER. A form of temporary sign that is vertical in nature and designed to resemble a feather, teardrop or other shape. Such signs are typically between five feet and 15 feet in height; two feet or less in width; and held in place via a stand or by a pole or staff driven into the ground and prone to move in the wind. Also called feather banners, these signs are a type of wind or moving sign.
      (22)   SIGN, FREESTANDING. A sign supported from the ground and not attached to any building. A freestanding sign may be supported by one or more poles or a solid base. Pole signs and monuments signs are examples of freestanding signs.
      (23)   SIGN ILLUMINATION, EXTERNAL. Lighting a sign from external sources that are not enclosed within the sign face itself. The source of illumination may be located on the exterior frame of the sign or on the wall or ground adjacent to the sign.
      (24)   SIGN ILLUMINATION, INTERNAL. Lighting a sign by electric, mechanical or other means where the source of illumination is located within the sign or sign panel and hidden from public view. Backlit panels, illuminated channel letters and signs made from neon tubing are examples of internally illuminated signs.
      (25)   SIGN HEIGHT. As defined in § 154.473(B)(3).
      (26)   SIGN, HIGHWAY. Any outdoor sign, advertising display, device, placard, poster or similar device designed or intended to provide a commercial message or other information, which is located along the frontage of and visible from a limited-access or controlled-access highway or the entrance or exit ramps thereto. See also BILLBOARD or SIGN, OFF-PREMISE.
      (27)   SIGN, HISTORIC. A sign that by its construction, materials, age, prominent location, unique design characteristics or craftsmanship, retains links and clues to the historic character, individuality, original or historic use of a particular building and contributes the historic character of the community. The Strand Theatre marquee sign is a local example of an historic sign.
      (28)   SIGN, INFLATABLE. Any inflatable shape or figure designed or used to attract attention to a business event or location. Inflatable promotional devices shall be considered to be temporary signs under the terms of this section and where applicable, subject to the regulations thereof.
      (29)   SIGN, INSTRUCTIONAL. Any sign designed for on-premise viewing and used to instruct employees, customers or used as to matters of public safety or necessity. "No Parking", "Fire Lane", "Loading Zone" and signs identifying handicap accessible parking are examples of instructional signs.
      (30)   SIGN, MENU BOARD. Signs used at business with drive-through facilities used to provide commercial messages, including but not limited to, merchandise and prices.
      (31)   SIGN, MERCHANDISE OR ADVERTISING. A type of temporary sign used to advertise a particular event, product or promotional activity. Such sign shall not exceed a display area of six square feet. See also, SIGN, TEMPORARY.
      (32)   SIGN, MONUMENT. A freestanding sign that is mounted directly to the ground or is supported by a continuous solid base that is attached to the ground. The width at the top of the sign shall not exceed 120% of the base of the sign.
      (33)   SIGN, OFF-PREMISE. Any sign containing a message that is not related to the business or other activity that takes place on the parcel on which it is located. See also BILLBOARD.
      (34)   SIGN PLATE. A building sign not exceeding three square feet indicating the street number, the name of the person, business, profession or activity occupying the lot, building, or part thereof; or other information pertaining to the use on the lot. Sometimes known as an address sign.
      (35)   SIGN, POLITICAL. Any temporary sign displaying or advocating an idea, opinion or position on any social, cultural, religious or political issue and containing no commercial message.
      (36)   SIGN, POLE. A freestanding sign that is supported attached to the ground by poles or other external support structures.
      (37)   SIGN, PORTABLE. Any sign that is not permanently attached to the ground or other permanent structure, or a sign designed to be transported on wheels, skids, a bench, runners, brackets, or has a frame to which wheels, skids, runners, brackets, or similar mechanical devices can be attached to or support the sign. A portable sign also includes inflatable devices and mobile signs such as parked trailers or vehicles, which include signs which are visible from the public right-of-way unless such vehicle is used in the normal day-to-day operations of the business.
      (38)   SIGN, PROJECTING. A sign that is attached to a building wall and extending perpendicular to or approximately perpendicular to the building wall by 12 inches or more beyond the face of the wall. Projecting signs are permitted only the Central Business Development (CBD) District.
      (39)   SIGN, ROOF. A sign, or any portion thereof, erected, constructed, or projecting upon or over the roof or parapet wall of any building whether the principal support for the sign is on the roof, wall or another structural element of the building.
      (40)   SIGN, "SANDWICH BOARD". A moveable sign not permanently secured to the ground or surface upon which it is located. Such a sign is sometimes known as an "A-Frame" or an inverted "T" sign, depending on its design. These signs may not exceed a height or width of three feet.
      (41)   SIGN, TEMPORARY. A sign that is designed to be used only temporarily for a specific event, promotion and/or product and is not intended to be permanently attached to a building, structure or permanently installed in the ground. Temporary signs include but are not limited to, political signs, special event signs, merchandise advertising signs, for sale or for lease signs, mobile and other portable signs.
      (42)   SIGN, VEHICULAR. Any sign affixed to or located on a stationary vehicle which is parked in or is visible from a public right-of-way or private street unless such vehicle is used for transporting people or materials in normal day-to-day operations. Sometimes known as mobile sign.
      (43)   SIGN, WALL. See definition of SIGN, BUILDING and GRAPHIC, WALL.
      (44)   SIGN, WIND. A display or series of displays, banners, flags, balloons or other objects designed to move when subjected to wind pressure.
      (45)   SIGN, WINDOW. A sign that is applied or attached to a window or door, or a sign located near a window within a building for the purpose of being visible to and read from the outside of the building except for those signs that are not legible from beyond the building setback lines. See also, GRAPHIC, WINDOW.
(Ord. 07-045, passed 7-17-07; Am. Ord. 20-032, passed 7-21-20)