Table A: Permanent Signs in Residential Use Districts
Use Type
Sign Types
Sign Quantity
Maximum Display Area per Sign (sq. ft.)
Height & Setback Requirements
Zoning Permit Required?
Design Review Required?
Table A: Permanent Signs in Residential Use Districts
Use Type
Sign Types
Sign Quantity
Maximum Display Area per Sign (sq. ft.)
Height & Setback Requirements
Zoning Permit Required?
Design Review Required?
1,2 & 3 Family Residential Uses
Building Signplate or House Number
2 per address
Multifamily Buildings
Building Signplate or Street Address
1 per public entrance to building
Subdivisions, Condominium Associations, Planned Unit Developments or Multi-Family Projects
Signs at Entrance to the Development
1 for each entrance from a public street
Maximum Height: 5’
Minimum setback from a property line: 10’
Conditionally-Permitted, Non-Residential Uses
Building Signplate
1 per address or building
Building/Wall- Mounted Signs
The aggregate area of all building/wall-mounted signage on any building shall not exceed 2 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage on the principal street up to a maximum of 100 square feet per parcel.
Freestanding Sign
Maximum Height: 5’
Minimum setback from a property line: 10’
Table B: Permanent Signs in the CBD Use District
Sign Type
Allowable Sign Area
Zoning Permit Required?
Design Review Required?
Sandwich Board Sign
3 square feet with maximum height of 3 feet
Building/Wall Signs
The aggregate area of all building/wall- mounted signage on any building shall not exceed 2 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage on the principal street up to a maximum of 300 square feet per parcel.
   The face of wall-mounted signs shall be relatively flush with the fascia and my not project more than 6 inches from the wall surface.
External illumination via spotlights only. All lighting sources shall be aimed downward.
Awning Signs
One sign per awning.
½ square foot of area for each linear foot of awning length.
Maximum projection from building wall: 5 feet.
   Minimum clearance above sidewalk: 8 feet.
   Signage shall be located on the awning valance or “skirt” only.
Projecting Signs
One sign per building with more than 25 feet of continuous frontage on a public street.
Maximum display area: 6 sq. ft.
Maximum projection from building wall: 3 feet.
Minimum clearance above sidewalk: 8 feet.
External illumination via spotlights only. All lighting sources shall be aimed downward.
Signs at Vehicular Entrances & Exits
One sign at each driveway
Maximum display area per sign: 3 sq. ft.
Maximum Sign Height: 3 feet
External illumination via spotlights.
Table C: Permanent Signs in the C-1 and C-5 Use Districts
   (A)   Sign Allowances
Table C: Permanent Signs in the C-1 and C-5 Use Districts
Sign Type
Allowable Sign Area
Zoning Permit Required?
Design Review Required?
Building/Wall Signs 
The aggregate area of all building/wall- mounted signage on any building shall not exceed 2 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage on the principal street up to a maximum of 500 square feet per parcel.
External or internally illuminated channel or neon letters only. Internally illuminated panel signs are prohibited.
Awning Signs
One sign per awning.½ square foot of area for each linear foot of awning length.
Maximum projection from building wall: 5 feet.
Minimum clearance above sidewalk: 8 feet.
Freestanding Signs
One sign per parcel.
One square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage on a principal street, up to a maximum of forty (40) sq. ft.
Maximum sign height: 8 feet.
Minimum setback from a private street or public right-of-way: 15 feet.
Signs at Drive-Through Lanes
Maximum of two signs for a drive-through facility.
Maximum Height: 6’
Maximum Display Area: 20 s.f. per sign
Internal or External
Signs at Vehicular Entrances & Exits
One sign at each driveway
Maximum display area per sign: 3 sq. ft.
Maximum Sign Height: 3 feet
Internal or External
   (B)   Properties located in the Historic Main Street Wadsworth Design Review District shall follow the sign allowances for the CBD District as noted in § 154.486 Table B.
   Table D: Permanent Signs in the C-3 & C-4 Use Districts
   (A)   Sign Allowances
Table D: Permanent Signs in the C-3 & C-4 Use Districts
Sign Type
Allowable Sign Area
Zoning Permit Required?
Design Review Required?
Building/Wall Signs 
The aggregate area of all building/wall-mounted signage on any building shall not exceed 2 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage on the principal street up to a maximum of 500 square feet per parcel.
Internal or External
Awning Signs
One sign per awning.
½ square foot of area for each linear foot of awning length.
Maximum projection from building wall: 5 feet.
Minimum clearance above sidewalk: 8 feet.
Backlit or internally illuminated awnings are prohibited
Freestanding Signs
One sign per parcel.
One square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage on a principal street, up to a maximum of fifty (50) square feet.
Maximum sign height: 15 feet.
Minimum setback from a private street or public right-of-way: 15 feet.
Internal or External
Signs at Drive-Through Lanes
Two signs for a drive-through facility.
Maximum Height: 6’
Maximum Display Area: 20 s.f. per sign
Internal or External
Signs at Vehicular Entrances & Exits
One sign at each driveway
Maximum display area per sign: 3 sq. ft.
Maximum Sign Height: 3 feet
Internal or External
   (B)   Properties located in the Historic Main Street Wadsworth Design Review District shall follow the sign allowances for the CBD District as noted in § 154.486 Table B.
Table E: Permanent Signs in the Industrial Use Districts
Sign Type
Allowable Sign Area
Zoning Permit Required?
Design Review Required?
Building/Wall Signs 
The aggregate area of all building/wall-mounted signage on any building shall not exceed 2 square feet for each linear foot of building frontage on the principal street up to a maximum of 500 square feet per parcel.
Internal or External
Awning Signs
One sign per awning.
½ square foot of area for each linear foot of awning length.
Maximum projection from building wall: 5 feet.
Minimum clearance above sidewalk: 8 feet.
Freestanding Signs
One sign per parcel.
One square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage on a principal street, up to a maximum of fifty (50) square feet.
Maximum sign height: 15 feet.
Minimum setback from a private street r public right-of-way: 15 feet.
Internal or External
Signs at Vehicular Entrances & Exits
One sign at each driveway
Maximum display area per sign: 3 sq. ft.
Maximum Sign Height: 3 feet
Internal or External
Table F: Temporary Signs in Residential Use Districts
Use Type
Allowable Sign Types
Sign Area Allowance
Sign Quantity
Height, Location & Other Restrictions
1,2 & 3 Family Residential Uses
Freestanding Window Signs
The aggregate area allowance for temporary signs shall not exceed one sq. ft. for each linear foot of building frontage on a principal street, up to a maximum of 32 sq. ft. per parcel.
The maximum number of signs displayed at a given time shall not exceed one sign for every 10 feet of lot frontage on the primary street.
1.   No individual sign shall exceed an area of 24 sq. ft.
2.   Freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of 3’, nor shall they be placed closer than 3’ to a property line or another freestanding sign.
3.   Window signs shall not exceed the coverage requirements in § 154.483(L).
Multifamily Uses
Freestanding Window Signs
The aggregate area allowance for temporary signs shall not exceed one sq. ft. for each linear foot of building frontage on a principal street, up to a maximum of 50 sq. ft. per parcel.
The maximum number of signs displayed at a given time shall not exceed one sign for every 10 feet of lot frontage on the primary street, up to 7 per parcel.
1.   No individual sign shall exceed an area of 24 sq. ft.
2.   Freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of 3’, nor shall they be placed closer than 3’ to a property line or another freestanding sign.
3.   Window signs shall not exceed the coverage requirements in § 54.483(L).
Conditionall y-Permitted Uses
Freestanding Window Signs Banners
The aggregate area allowance for temporary signs shall not exceed one sq. ft. for each linear foot of building frontage on a principal street, up to a maximum of 50 sq. ft. per parcel.
The maximum number of signs displayed at a given time shall not exceed one sign for every 10 feet of lot frontage on the primary street, up to 7 per parcel.
1.   No individual sign shall exceed an area of 24 sq. ft.
2.   A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 3’ or placed closer than 3’ to a property line or another freestanding sign.
3.   Banner signs shall be affixed to a building wall.
4.   Window signs shall not exceed the coverage requirements in § 154.483(L).
Vacant parcels
Maximum area of 16 sq. ft. for parcels of one acre or less.
Maximum area of 32 sq. ft. for parcels greater than one acre.
One sign per property
No sign shall exceed a height of 8’ nor be placed closer than 10’ to a property line.
Parcel Under Construction
Maximum display area of 16 sq. ft.
One per parcel
Not to exceed a height of 8’ and not placed closer than 3’ to a property line.
Table G: Temporary Signs in Commercial & Industrial Use Districts
Zoning District
Allowable Sign Types
Sign Area Allowance
Sign Quantity
Height, Location & Other Restrictions
CDB District
Window Signs
Sandwich Board Sign
Window Signs: 3 sq. ft./sign maximum
Sandwich Board Sign: 3 sq. ft.
Window Signs: N/A
Sandwich Board Sign: 1
1.   Window signs shall not exceed the coverage requirements in § 154.483L.
2.   A sandwich board sign shall not exceed a height of 3’ nor a width of 3’. Its location may require approval of the Planning Director so as to not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular safety. There shall be no time limit for the display of such sign.
All Other Commercial & Industrial Zoning Districts
Freestanding Signs Window Signs Banner Signs
The aggregate area allowance for temporary signs shall not exceed two (2) sq. ft. for each linear for of building frontage on a principal street, up to a maximum of 50 sq. ft. per parcel.
The maximum number of signs displayed at a given time shall not exceed one sign for every 10 feet of lot frontage on the primary street, up to 7 per parcel.
1.   No individual sign shall exceed an area of 24 sq. ft.
2.   A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 3’ or placed closer than 3’ to a property line or another freestanding sign.
3.   Banner signs shall be affixed to a building wall.
4.   Window signs shall not exceed the coverage requirements in § 154.483L.
Vacant parcels
Maximum area of 16 sq. ft. for parcels of one acre or less.
Maximum area of 32 sq. ft. for parcels greater than one acre.
One per parcel
Sign shall not exceed a height of 8’ and shall not be placed closer than 10’ to a property line.
Parcels Under Construction in any Commercial or Industrial District
Maximum display area of 32 sq. ft.
One per parcel
Not to exceed a height of 8’ and not placed closer than 10’ to a property line.
(Ord. 07-045, passed 7-17-07; Am. Ord. 13-066, passed 11-19-13; Am. Ord. 20-032, passed 7-21-20)