(A)   For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals, convenience and the general welfare of the community, the city is hereby divided into districts, as enumerated in division (B) below, each being of such number, shape, kind and area and of such common unity of purpose and adaptability of use that are deemed most suitable to carry out the purposes of this chapter. No building or premises shall be erected or used except in conformity with the regulations herein prescribed for each district.
('65 Code, § 1321.01)
   (B)   Districts listed.
Low-Density Residential District
R-1 Residential District
R-2 Residential District
R-3 Residential District
R-4 Residential District
C-1 Local Commercial District
C-3 Intensive Commercial District
C-4 Highway Interchange District
C-5 Commercial Office District
College Street Gateway District
I-1 Light Industrial District
I-2 Heavy Industrial District
AP Airport District
Central Business Development District
Great Oaks Mixed Use District
Main Street Redevelopment District
High Street Transitional Business Overlay District
§§ 154.365 - 154.373
(‘65 Code, § 1321.02) (Am. Ord. 13-066, passed 11-19-13; Am. Ord. 23-031, passed 5-3-23)