Chapter 5.60
5.60.010   Authority and intent.
5.60.020   Definitions.
5.60.030   Franchise to install and operate.
5.60.040   Term of the franchise.
5.60.050   Franchise territory.
5.60.060   FCC or California Public Utilities Commission jurisdiction.
5.60.070   Franchise transfer.
5.60.080   Geographical coverage.
5.60.090   Nonexclusive franchise.
5.60.100   Renewals.
5.60.110   Application required.
5.60.120   Application contents.
5.60.130   Setting for public hearing.
5.60.140   Notice of hearing.
5.60.150   Posting and publishing notice.
5.60.160   Comments by interested persons.
5.60.170   Conduct of hearing.
5.60.180   Decision after hearing.
5.60.190   Minimum service standards.
5.60.200   Franchise fee.
5.60.210   Bond.
5.60.220   Construction requirements.
5.60.230   Technical standards.
5.60.240   Rates.
5.60.250   Indemnity.
5.60.260   Insurance.
5.60.270   Records required.
5.60.280   Grantor's right to inspect.
5.60.290   Plant performance report.
5.60.300   Public reports.
5.60.310   Reports.
5.60.320   Notice of violation.
5.60.330   Default.
5.60.340   Hearing available to grantee.
5.60.350   Appeal of default.
5.60.360   Revocation.
5.60.370   Procedures governing revocation.
5.60.380   Unauthorized operations.
5.60.390   Unauthorized use.
5.60.400   Abandonment or removal of franchise property.
5.60.410   Receivership and foreclosure.
5.60.420   Waivers.
5.60.430   Rights of individuals.
5.60.440   Tenant rights.
5.60.450   Poles.
5.60.460   Possessory interest taxation.
5.60.470   Penalties.
5.60.480   Separability.