761.01 License required.
761.02 License application information; issuance.
761.03 License fee; expiration; transferability.
761.04 Insurance required.
761.05 Cab marking, types and condition.
761.06 Solicitations.
761.07 Required service.
761.08 Rates of fare, receipt.
761.09 Suspension and revocation of licenses.
761.10 Driver’s license required.
761.11 Driver’s license application, photograph, qualifications.
761.12 Driver’s license fee; revocation.
761.13 Display of license and photograph.
761.14 Lost property.
761.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.22, 715.66
Operation by minors prohibited - see Ohio R.C. 4507.321
Operation and equipment - see TRAF. CODE
No person shall operate for hire upon the streets of the Village, a taxicab or automobile for hire without first having obtained a license for the privilege to do so from the Mayor. This section shall not apply to taxicabs and automobiles for hire which bring passengers into the Village but do not pick up passengers in the Village for any destination.
(Ord. 89-25. Passed 9-11-89.)
(a) An application for a taxicab license shall be made in writing and shall contain the following:
(1) The name and address of application;
(2) The make, model, year and serial number of all taxicabs in the company or organization;
(3) The experience of the applicant in the transportation of passengers;
(4) The location of the proposed Utica office and the location of any proposed taxi depot;
(5) The amounts of any unpaid judgments against the applicant and the nature of the transaction or act giving rise to such judgments;
(6) The name of the insurance company insuring each taxicab in the company or organization, and the amount of insurance carried on each such taxicab; and
(7) Such further information as the Mayor may require.
(b) The application shall be submitted to the Mayor for his approval or rejection. Such approval or rejection shall be based upon a determination of the character, experience and responsibility of the applicant, and a determination of public convenience and necessity.
(c) If the application is approved, the Mayor shall issue the license upon payment of the fee provided for in Section 761.03 and deposit of the certificate of insurance provided for in Section 761.04. The holder of a taxicab license shall, at all times such license is held, maintain an office within the Village.
(Ord. 89-25. Passed 9-11-89.)
(a) Each taxicab or automobile kept or used for hire in the Village shall be licensed and the owner thereof shall pay to the Mayor a license fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each such vehicle, which license fee shall be in addition to any fee required under the laws of the State and in addition to the chauffeur's or driver's license fee. The term "taxicab or automobile kept for hire" shall not be held to include motor busses, nor shall such terms be held to include any automobile leased or rented for private use without the services of a chauffeur or driver.
(b) All such licenses shall expire at midnight on December 31 of each year. When such license is taken out or issued after June 30, of any year, the fee shall be five dollars ($5.00). Such licenses may be renewed from year to year in the same manner and for the same fee as the granting of the original license.
(c) Upon the application of an owner of a taxicab or automobile kept for hire, already licensed, the Mayor may authorize the transfer of the license to another taxicab or automobile kept for hire, owned by the same person, firm or corporation, for a fee of fifty cents ($.50). All such licenses are not assignable.
(Ord. 89-25. Passed 9-11-89.)
No license to operate any taxicab or automobile kept for. hire shall be issued, transferred to a taxicab or automobile, or renewed by the Mayor, and no person shall operate or permit the operation of such unless and until the owner of the same shall deposit and maintain on deposit with the Mayor, a certificate of insurance of an insurance company and/or companies duly licensed to transact such business in the State, certifying that it is insuring the owner of such taxicab or automobile kept for hire and any chauffeur or driver operating the same, against loss from liability imposed by law for damages on account of bodily injuries or death with limits of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to any one person, and three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for any one accident, and with a limit of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for damages to property resulting from such ownership, maintenance or use of such taxicab or automobile so kept for passenger hire in the Village, and agreeing to pay to any judgment creditor to the extent of the respective amounts specified in such policy, any final judgment rendered against the insured or such operator by reason of such liability. (Ord. 89-25. Passed 9-11-89.)
All cabs shall be plainly marked on the rear with the name of person, firm or corporation owning the cab and the number of the cab in letters and numerals of not less than three inches each. All cabs shall be of the four door or station wagon type. Every taxicab shall be kept in a safe and sanitary operating condition.
(Ord. 89-25. Passed 9-11-89.)