1113.01 Procedure for amendment or district changes.
1113.02 General provisions.
1113.03 Initiation of zoning text and Zoning Map amendments.
1113.04 Contents of applications for Zoning Map amendments.
1113.05 Transmittal to Planning Commission.
1113.06 Submission to Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation.
1113.07 Recommendation by Planning Commission.
1113.08 Standards for Zoning Map amendments.
1113.09 Public hearing by Council.
1113.10 Notice of public hearing in newspaper.
1113.11 Notice to property owners by Council.
1113.12 Action by Council.
1113.13 Effective date and referendum.
1113.14 Annexation.
Council approval of Planning Commission action - see CHTR. Sec. 2.09
Statutory provisions - see Ohio R.C. 713.10 et seq.
Whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practices require, Council may by ordinance after receipt of a recommendation thereon from the Planning Commission and subject to procedures provided by law, amend, supplement, change or repeal the regulations, restrictions and boundaries or classification of property.