There is hereby created a Tyler Public Library Board, which shall be composed of seven (7) members to be appointed by the City Council and has the following powers and duties:
a. Advise the City Council and City Manager
1. on present and future needs of the library;
2. on adequate funding for library services
3. on matters relating to library policies;
4. on other matters relating to library services.(Ord. No. 0-2022-106; 11/9/22)
b. Maintain a familiarity with state and federal regulations and grant programs pertaining to library services and, at the direction of the City Council, act as representative of the City before various governmental and citizen groups;
c. Establish time, place, and procedures for board meetings to be held at least four (4) times per year;
d. Select a vice chairperson from among its members. (Ord. No. O-96-22, 4-3-96)(Ord. No. 0-2022-106; 11/9/22)