Section 6-161.      Amendments to 2015 International Energy Conservation Code.
The 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, as adopted in Section 6-160, is amended as follows:
a.    Add a new C101.5.2 as follows:
C101.5.2. Code compliance agency. The Building Services Department is the code compliance agency. The function of the agency shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
b.    Add a new Section C101.2.1 as follows:
C101.5.2.1. Appointment. The Chief building official or designee is hereby appointed as the Code Official for purposes of this code. In exercising such powers, the code official or designee shall have the same authority as granted to the building official and code official in the other International Codes. Code-certified inspectors shall perform inspections and shall enforce the Code in the inspectors' jurisdiction.
c.    Add a new Section C101.5.3 to read as follows:
C101.5.3 Liability. The code official, member of the board of appeals or employee charged with the enforcement of this code, while acting for the jurisdiction in good faith and without malice in the discharge of the duties required by this code or other pertinent law or ordinance, shall not thereby be rendered civilly or criminally liable personally, and is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage accruing to persons or property as a result of any act or by reason of any act or omission in the discharge of official duties.
d.    Add a new Section C101.5.3.1 as follows:
C101.5.3.1 Legal defense. Any suit or criminal complaint instituted against any officer or employee because of an act performed by that officer or employee in the lawful discharge of duties and under the provisions of this code shall be defended by the legal representative of the jurisdiction until the final termination of the proceedings. The code official or any subordinate shall not be liable for costs in any action, suit or proceeding that is instituted in pursuance of the provisions of this code. Indemnification of City officials, City employees, and members of City Council appointed boards is governed by City Code Section 2-62.
e.    Add a new Section C101.5.4 is adopted to read as follows:
C101.5.4. Violation penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate any of the provisions of this code. Penalties for violations of this code are set forth in City Code Section 1-4. 
f.   Delete current Section C110 and adopt a new Section C110 to read as follows:

   C110. Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals

   C110.1.   Appointment. There is hereby established a board to be called the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, which shall consist of seven (7) members. The Board shall be appointed by the applicable governing body.
   C110.2.   Membership.

   C110.2.1 Such board members should be composed of individuals with knowledge and experience in the technical codes, such as design professionals, contractors or building industry representatives. At least one member shall have either a Master Electrician's license or be a licensed electrical engineer, but if this requirement cannot be met, the membership requirement may also be met by Board members in other businesses or professions. A majority of the Board shall be City of Tyler residents, while a minority may reside in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. A board member shall not act in a case in which the member has a personal or financial interest. Terms shall be as set forth in City Code Section 1-20.
      C110.2.2. Quorum and Voting. A simple majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. In varying any provision of this code, the affirmative votes of the majority present, but not less than three affirmative votes, shall be required. In modifying a decision of the building official, not less than four affirmative votes, but not less than a majority of the board, shall be required.
      C110.2.3. Secretary of Board. The building official shall act as secretary of the board and shall make a detailed record of all of its proceedings, which shall set forth the reasons for its decision, the vote of each member, the absence of a member and any failure of a member to vote.
      C110. 3. Powers. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall have the power, as further defined in, to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official and consider variances of the technical codes.
      C110.4. Appeals.
      C110.4.1. Decision of the Building Official. The owner of a building, structure or service system, or duly authorized agent, may appeal a decision of the building official to the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals whenever any one of the following conditions is claimed to exist:
         1. The building official rejected or refused to approve the mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the installation or alteration of a building, structure or service system.
         2. The provisions of this code do not apply to this specific case.
         3. That an equally good or more desirable form of installation can be employed in any specific case.
         4. The true intent and meaning of this code or any of the regulations there under have been misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted.
      C110.4.2. Variances. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hearing, may vary the application of any provision of this code to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice and would be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this or the technical codes or public interest, and also finds all of the following:
         1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the building, structure or service system involved and which are not applicable to others.
         2. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action or inaction of the applicant.
         3. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this code to other buildings, structures or service system.
         4. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the building, structure or service system.
         5. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this code and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare.
      C110.4.2.1. Conditions of the Variance. In granting the variance, the board may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be commenced or completed or both. In addition, the board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this code. Violation of the conditions of a variance shall be deemed a violation of this code.
   C110.4.3. Notice of Appeal. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within 30 calendar days after the decision is rendered by the building official. Appeals shall be in a form acceptable to the building official.
   C110.4.4. Unsafe or Dangerous Buildings or Service Systems. In the case of a building, structure or service system which, in the opinion of the building official, is unsafe, unsanitary or dangerous, the building official may, in the order, limit the time for such appeals to a shorter period.
   C110.5 Procedures of the Board.
   C110.5.1 Rules and Regulations. The board shall establish rules and regulations for its own procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this code. The board shall meet on call of the chairperson. The board shall meet within 30 calendar days after notice of appeal has been received.
   C110.5.2. Decisions. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall, in every case, reach a decision without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. Each decision of the board shall also include the reasons for the decision. If a decision of the board reverses or modifies a refusal, order, or disallowance of the building official or varies the application of any provision of this code, the building official shall immediately take action in accordance with such decision. Every decision shall be promptly filed in writing in the office of the building official and shall be open to public inspection. A certified copy of the decision shall be sent by mail or otherwise to the appellant. Every decision of the board shall be final, subject however to such remedy as any aggrieved party might have at law or in equity.
g.    Add a new Section R101.5.2 to read as follows:
   R101.5.2. Code compliance agency. The Building Services Department is the code compliance agency. The function of the agency shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
h.   Add a new Section R101.5.2.1 to read as follows:
R101.5.21. Appointment. The Chief building official or designee is hereby appointed as the Code Official for purposes of this code. In exercising such powers, the code official or designee shall have the same authority as granted to the building official and code official in the other International Codes. Code-certified inspectors shall perform inspections and shall enforce the Code in the inspectors' jurisdiction.
i.    Add a new Section R101.5.3 to read as follows:
R101.5.3. Liability. The code official, member of the board of appeals or employee charged with the enforcement of this code, while acting for the jurisdiction in good faith and without malice in the discharge of the duties required by this code or other pertinent law or ordinance, shall not thereby be rendered civilly or criminally liable personally, and is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage accruing to persons or property as a result of any act or by reason of any act or omission in the discharge of official duties.
j.    Add a new Section R101.5.3.1 as follows:
R101.5.3.1 Legal defense. Any suit or criminal complaint instituted against any officer or employee because of an act performed by that officer or employee in the lawful discharge of duties and under the provisions of this code shall be defended by the legal representative of the jurisdiction until the final termination of the proceedings. The code official or any subordinate shall not be liable for costs in any action, suit or proceeding that is instituted in pursuance of the provisions of this code. Indemnification of City officials, City employees, and members of City Council appointed boards is governed by City Code Section 2-62.
k.   Add a new Section R101.5.4 as follows:

R101.5.4. Violation penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate any of the provisions of this code. Penalties for violations of this code are set forth in City Code Section 1-4.
l.    Delete current Section R110 and adopt a new Section R110 to read as follows:
R110. Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals
   R110.1.   Appointment. There is hereby established a board to be called the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, which shall consist of seven (7) members. The Board shall be appointed by the applicable governing body.
   R110.2.   Membership.
R110.2.1 Such board members should be composed of individuals with knowledge and experience in the technical codes, such as design professionals, contractors or building industry representatives. At least one member shall have either a Master Electrician's license or be a licensed electrical engineer, but if this requirement cannot be met, the membership requirement may also be met by Board members in other businesses or professions. A majority of the Board shall be City of Tyler residents, while a minority may reside in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. A board member shall not act in a case in which the member has a personal or financial interest. Terms shall be as set forth in City Code Section 1-20.

   R110.2.2. Quorum and Voting. A simple majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. In varying any provision of this code, the affirmative votes of the majority present, but not less than three affirmative votes, shall be required. In modifying a decision of the Code official, not less than four affirmative votes, but not less than a majority of the board, shall be required.
   R110.2.3. Secretary of Board. The building official shall act as secretary of the board and shall make a detailed record of all of its proceedings, which shall set forth the reasons for its decision, the vote of each member, and the absence of a member and any failure of a member to vote.
   R110. 3. Powers. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall have the power, as further defined in R109.4, to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the Code official and consider variances of the technical codes.
   R110.4.1. Decision of the Code Official. The owner of a building, structure or service system, or duly authorized agent, may appeal a decision of the Code official to the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals whenever any one of the following conditions is claimed to exist:
      1.   The Code official rejected or refused to approve the mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the installation or alteration of a building, structure or service system.
      2.   The provisions of this code do not apply to this specific case.
      3.   That an equally good or more desirable form of installation can be employed in any specific case.
      4.   The true intent and meaning of this code or any of the regulations there under have been misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted.
   R110.4.2. Variances. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hearing, may vary the application of any provision of this code to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice and would be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this or the technical codes or public interest, and also finds all of the following:
      1.   That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the building, structure or service system involved and which are not applicable to others.
      2.   That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action or inaction of the applicant.
      3.   That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this code to other buildings, structures or service system.
      4.   That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the building, structure or service system.
      5.   That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this code and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare.
   R110.4.2.1. Conditions of the Variance. In granting the variance, the board may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be commenced or completed or both. In addition, the board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this code. Violation of the conditions of a variance shall be deemed a violation of this code.
   R110.4.3. Notice of Appeal. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within 30 calendar days after the decision is rendered by the Code official. Appeals shall be in a form acceptable to the building official.
   R110.4.4. Unsafe or Dangerous Buildings or Service Systems. In the case of a building, structure or service system which, in the opinion of the Code official, is unsafe, unsanitary or dangerous, the building official may, in the order, limit the time for such appeals to a shorter period.
   R110.5 Procedures of the Board.
   R110.5.1 Rules and Regulations. The board shall establish rules and regulations for its own procedure not inconsistent with City rules and ordinances, and the provisions of this code. The board shall meet on call of the chairperson. The board shall meet within 30 calendar days after notice of appeal has been received.
   R110.5.2. Decisions. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall, in every case, reach a decision without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. Each decision of the board shall also include the reasons for the decision. If a decision of the board reverses or modifies a refusal, order, or disallowance of the Code official or varies the application of any provision of this code, the Code official shall immediately take action in accordance with such decision. Every decision shall be promptly filed in writing in the office of the Code official and shall be open to public inspection. A copy of the decision shall be sent by mail or otherwise to the appellant. Every decision of the board shall be final, subject however to such remedy as any aggrieved party might have at law or in equity.
m. R405.11. Delete
n. R404.2. Delete.
o. Appendices CB, CC, RB and RC are hereby adopted.
p. Appendices CA and RA. Delete.
(Ord. O-2007-7; 1/24/07) (Ord. No. O-2013-28; 3/27/13) (Ord. No. O-2018-8; 1/24/18) (Ord. No. O-2023-106;10/25/23)