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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
4.1   The drawing showing the proposed land split shall be:
   A.   Eleven inches by 17 inches or larger;
   B.   Drawn to scale no less than one inch equals 20 feet; and
   C.   Fully dimensioned.
4.2   A survey drawing and legal descriptions prepared by a registered surveyor may be required at the PDSD Directorโ€™s discretion.
   The drawing showing the proposed land split shall include the following:
   A.   The boundaries of the original parcel or lot prior to the land split with distance and bearings labeled;
   B.   The proposed lots with distance and bearings labeled;
   C.   The rights-of-way adjacent to or within the property, including streets and easements. The streets and easements must be labeled, dimensioned and purpose listed;
   D.   All proposed easements on and surrounding the property;
   E.   The locations and dimensions of any existing structures and buildings;
   F.   The setbacks of existing buildings and structures from existing and proposed property lines;
   G.   The land area of each proposed lot in square feet or acreage. If the property is developed, additional information, such as but not limited to FAR, lot coverage, vehicle and bicycle parking, may be needed;
   H.   Access to all proposed lots in compliance with Section 7.8, Access; and,
   I.   Whether there is any shared use of vehicle use areas, easements, etc. between properties.
2-09.1.0   PURPOSE
2-09.2.0   POLICY
2-09.1.0   PURPOSE
   To provide affected city departments with procedures for approving assurances for the completion of assurable infrastructure as required by state law, A.R.S. ยง 9-463.01(C)(8) and Article 8 of the Unified Development Code (UDC).
2-09.2.0   POLICY
   Subdivision plats are to be reviewed and approved in a manner consistent with the requirements of state law.