Enforcement of
provisions is the responsibility of the Zoning Administrator as provided by
law. The Zoning Administrator is assisted by the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD), the Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD), and other
departments in enforcement as provided by this article. Enforcement is ensured as follows:
No land may be used or occupied; no
improvement, modification, or construction started; no existing use or expanded, reconstructed, changed, or otherwise altered; and no land may be divided into multiple
until compliance with the provisions of the
has been certified through a zoning review process by PDSD. No
agency may issue a permit for
, grubbing,
, paving, demolition, or construction of any sort before certification of compliance with provisions of the
has been determined by PDSD. In the event a zoning regulation requires interpretation, such interpretation shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with Sections 1.5, Interpretations of the .
Monitoring of construction for compliance with plans approved through the zoning review process as required in Section 10.2.1, Compliance Review, Proposed , is the responsibility of PDSD. The PDSD shall monitor the implementation of the proposed
to ensure compliance with the plans approved for zoning compliance. PDSD has the authority to suspend construction when construction does not conform with the plans approved for zoning compliance.
Any land used or occupied; any
improvement, modification, or construction started; any existing use or expanded, reconstructed, changed, or otherwise altered; and any land divided into multiple
without certification of compliance with the provisions of the
through a zoning review process is considered a
of the
. Enforcement of
shall be in accordance with Section 10.4, Penalties and Remedies.
The Zoning Administrator, upon written request, shall issue a written determination on whether an existing use or
was legally established in compliance with zoning regulations at the time the use was established or the was constructed, in accordance with Section 1.5, Interpretations of the .