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Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   Designation, amendment, or change of boundaries for a Scenic Corridor are processed in accordance with Section 5.4.3, MS&R Map Adoption and Amendment.
5.4.        (MS&R)
5.4.1.   PURPOSE
   The purpose of this overlay is to implement policies in the ’s , the Regional Transportation Plan, and the Air Quality Plan, with specific emphasis on the . The   the future arterial and needs of the community and is a tool to implement the of a safe and efficient system and the design of all serviced by that system, while assuring the economic viability of new and expanding and the continued economic stability of the community. These goals are achieved by providing for the:
   A.   Capability of widening in a timely manner in order to increase the safety of the system, allow for adequate capacity, and provide for the movement of traffic safely and efficiently;
   B.   Capability of timely improvement of the system to assist in reducing air pollution that:
      1.   Poses a significant threat to the health of the residents;
      2.   Negatively impacts on sectors of the economy dealing with astronomical observation, research, tourism and convention, health, and filmmaking; and,
      3.   Adversely affects the quality of life.
   C.   Economic viability of new located on the MS&R system by establishing design standards that will provide adequate on- facilities to accommodate and serve those after widening and improvement;
   D.   Improvement of the MS&R system by establishing standards that assure availability of land for widening purposes, including alternate modes of transportation such as , pedestrian, and mass transit;
   E.   Stability of residential neighborhoods that are in close proximity to on the MS&R system, minimizing any unsafe encroachment into neighborhoods by requiring all new and expanding located on the MS&R system to maintain adequate facilities to serve their needs after any improvement; and,
   F.   Community’s continued economic stability by establishing design standards to provide for the economic viability of all properties located along the MS&R system after   .
   The MS&R standards apply to the following uses on property, any portion of which abuts or is to a designated on the ’s or ’s :
   A.   New ;
   B.   Changes of use, including new occurring on vacant land;
   C.   Uses of land or legally existing as of June 27, 1988, that are expanded in , , parking, seating capacity, or any other expansion of use, as listed below. Exception. An expansion of for a nonconforming existing use that increases the number of spaces to the minimum required by the for that use is exempt from counting toward the 25% expansion: (See Figure 5.4-A.)
      1.   If the expansion is less than 25%, the MS&R applies to the proposed expansion. The remainder of the use or shall be governed by provisions in force at the time of initial approval for the use or ;
      2.   If the expansion is 25% or more, the MS&R applies to the proposed expansion and to the parking and standards that apply to the overall ; or,
      3.   Expansions that occur after the effective date of the MS&R shall be cumulated in determining the 25% expansion; and,
   D.   When one or more of the standards of the MS&R, the , or the Scenic Corridor (SCZ) (Section 5.5) apply to the same , the most restrictive standards apply.
Figure 5.4-A: Applicability of MS&R Provisions
   The applicable under these provisions are established by the MS&R Map, which is adopted as a component of the . The adoption and amendment of the , including designations of and , are processed in accordance with Section 3.6, Plan Adoption and Amendment Procedure. Designations of extensions of and may also be adopted with the adoption of original zoning in accordance with Section 3.5.3, Zoning Examiner Legislative Process.
    locations are established utilizing the width for those identified in the . The widths are measured in accordance with the method established by the . are those major or routes designated as by the .
   The area between the is also referred to as the , whether publicly or privately owned. In addition to   in conjunction with and accessory to on properties, the following are permitted in the :
   A.   No portion of the that is publicly owned shall be used toward complying with standards, unless specifically stipulated;
   B.    in compliance with Section 7.6, and Screening Standards;
   C.   Structural , provided:
      1.   The MS&R is not a ;
      2.   The is not a ;
      3.   That, if the improvement is for , such parking is in addition to the amount required for the existing use(s), and the area is fully improved as required for any . The screening and required by Section 7.6, and Screening Standards, for , , and may be located temporarily in the until such time as this area is used for purposes. Upon elimination of the , all parking-related , such as required screening and , as specified on the required by Section 5.4.5.F, shall be moved to the location specified on the at no cost to the ; (See Figure 5.4-B.)
      4.   The structural improvement, other than , access, or public , is located at least eight feet from the edge of the existing (curb);
      5.   The improvement does not obstruct the existing ’s sight visibility triangle;
      6.   That, if the improvement is a sign, it is permitted as an on- sign by the Sign Code. Such sign shall be removed at the time of widening at no expense to the ; and,
      7.   Approval is granted by the Mayor and Council for any structural improvement located within publicly owned .
Figure 5.4-B: Permitted Uses of the
   D.   The following applies when calculating the various standards:
      1.   On that are not part of a   or rezoning application, the within the MS&R may be used as follows:
         a.   For calculation of or as non- or area, regardless of what are located within that area;
         b.   For calculation of an adjustment for nonresidential to in accordance with Section 5.4.6.B or standards provided the adjustment does not reduce the amount of required parking by 20% or more of the amount that would be required without the adjustment.
         c.   For calculation as part of the , , and calculations. If the entire , excluding access and public , to the edge of the paved is landscaped, that part of the within the may be included at one and one-eighth its size (multiply the area size by 1.125), provided:
            (1)   The is visible from the public ;
            (2)   The is over and above that required by the ; and,
            (3)   The is not scheduled for construction within a period of three years from the date of issuance of a permit.
         d.   If, in addition to the entire MS&R area, that area is to the at , the area may be included at one and one-fourth its size (multiply the area by 1.25) in lieu of the 1.125. In this situation, Section 5.4.5.D.1.c(3) would not apply.
      2.   On that are part of a   application but not part of a rezoning application, Section 5.4.5.D.1.c may be utilized.
   E.    that is provided to achieve additional or is considered a requirement of the and shall be maintained in compliance.
   F.   An approved is required indicating how the will comply with standards when the MS&R can no longer be used as part of the . Such plan shall be an exhibit to an executed covenant for recordation stating the responsibility of the property owner, successor, or assignee as to the removal of and compliance with the at no cost to the .