5.4.1.   PURPOSE
   The purpose of this overlay is to implement policies in the ’s , the Regional Transportation Plan, and the Air Quality Plan, with specific emphasis on the . The   the future arterial and needs of the community and is a tool to implement the of a safe and efficient system and the design of all serviced by that system, while assuring the economic viability of new and expanding and the continued economic stability of the community. These goals are achieved by providing for the:
   A.   Capability of widening in a timely manner in order to increase the safety of the system, allow for adequate capacity, and provide for the movement of traffic safely and efficiently;
   B.   Capability of timely improvement of the system to assist in reducing air pollution that:
      1.   Poses a significant threat to the health of the residents;
      2.   Negatively impacts on sectors of the economy dealing with astronomical observation, research, tourism and convention, health, and filmmaking; and,
      3.   Adversely affects the quality of life.
   C.   Economic viability of new located on the MS&R system by establishing design standards that will provide adequate on- facilities to accommodate and serve those after widening and improvement;
   D.   Improvement of the MS&R system by establishing standards that assure availability of land for widening purposes, including alternate modes of transportation such as , pedestrian, and mass transit;
   E.   Stability of residential neighborhoods that are in close proximity to on the MS&R system, minimizing any unsafe encroachment into neighborhoods by requiring all new and expanding located on the MS&R system to maintain adequate facilities to serve their needs after any improvement; and,
   F.   Community’s continued economic stability by establishing design standards to provide for the economic viability of all properties located along the MS&R system after   .