A.   Purpose
      The purpose of this section is to respond to special needs of a as well as provide flexibility, encourage in accordance with adopted plans and policies, and promote superior design to implement the purpose of this article.
   B.   Applicability
      The master program includes all exterior at a and provides a process where the provisions of Article 7A may be varied subject to the and findings listed below.   may not be proposed as part of the Master Program.
   C.   A master program may be submitted before, after, or concurrently with a rezoning, special exception, planned area , package or . regulated by the program require individual permits prior to construction. A may be ground or mounted or designed into and constructed as part of an integrated architectural feature of a . In a case where the has mixed elements of ground or mounted or architectural integration into the , the zoning administrator will determine what are the most applicable .
   D.   Decision
      The Design Review Committee shall review design options and make a recommendation to the planning and development services for a final decision. The director's decision may be to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. The shall base the decision on compliance with the purpose statement, findings, and applicable design .
      1.   An applicant may appeal the director's decision first to the Board of Adjustment in accordance with Section 3.10.2 and may then appeal to the Mayor and Council in accordance with Section 3.9.2 (Mayor and Council Appeal Procedure).
      2.   An applicant may apply for an amendment to an approved Master Sign Program in accordance with the standards set forth in this Article 7A.7.
   E.   Design
      1.   All
         a.   Illumination shall reduce light trespass and offer protection to dark skies in compliance with the City's outdoor lighting .
         b.   A with lists of categories, or organizations, or similar listed items within panels or separately mounted , shall have a unifying and proportional outlining background color behind the copy, i.e. words, names, numbers or symbols using a specific or federally registered trademark colors.
         c.   For a with lists, the panels and/or the separately mounted , i.e., mounted without panels on a or , shall be mounted or placed so as to be reasonably proportional in size.
            (1)    shall contain legible . A intended to be seen from a shall contain no more than sixteen items of information. An equivalent alternative is an eight panel .
            (2)    shall be applied to the   in the following manner: Panels of the same size with a unifying background color as noted in Section 7A.7.1.E.1.b. Proportional letters, numbers or as noted in Section 7A.7.1.E.1.c. Up to fifty (50) percent of the panels may be larger than other panels or names.
         b.    Height
            (1)   The height and     for a should be at a height and distance from the to be easily detectable and give a vehicle a reasonable time to adjust to traffic conditions.
            (2)   The height shall be compatible with the surrounding height profile of the , , and on the property and in the surrounding area. The   shall not obstruct significant scenic views from the .
            (3)   The height of the shall be set so as not to be obstructed by or a parked vehicle.
         c.    Design Elements
            (1)   Structural Components
               (i)   A should be comprised of a design such as two or more components unified by similar materials. A blending and ground mounted components may use Section 7A.7.1.F Best Practice Option.
               (ii)   The design of the components shall use the architectural style of the being identified. Features to be used in designing the components include colors, materials, textures and shapes of the development's architecture. The bottom component shall be designed with a monument-style base or similar wide-base design.
            (2)   Wayfinding and Identification
               (i)    shall provide high quality wayfinding and identification with a common and unifying design theme.
               (ii)   Ground-mounted wayfinding that are 20 square feet or less in area are not required to have three components but are required to be coordinated in architectural style, colors, materials, and textures with the other larger .
            (3)   Visual Environment
               In all cases, to protect the unique visual environment of Tucson, all flexible or use of design guidelines in Section 7A.7.1.F Best Practice Option, must address a consistent and compatible treatment of the height profile of the and in the surrounding area, preserving scenic vistas and vegetation, and dark skies compatible illumination.
                shall be incorporated into existing or proposed at the site. The materials shall consist of non-obstructing live and/or inert .
            A that is part of the master program shall, in addition to the of the master program, be constructed in accordance with the Article 7A    and adhere to the items of information legibility standard noted in this section.
      3.    -Mounted
         a.    -mounted intended to be viewed from the or that exceed twelve square feet in area shall be designed to be proportional to the   of the space.
         b.   If the is intended to provide wayfinding it shall be located at key identification points.
         c.    may include the font, , symbol and color of the business but shall be constructed or mounted to be consistent with the master program.
         d.   For all -mounted , an organized, proportional appearance is required among the of a or space. Disorganized sizes and color arrangements in the ' appearance on a specific or space are to be avoided.
      4.   Integrated Architecture
         a.    that are not classified as either or ground mounted shall be constructed in a manner to abide by the overall design context of the architecture of the and be consistent with the design used to develop the master program.
   F.   Best Practice Option
      A variation from the design must show a best practice is being used as an alternative. A best practice may be based on one of the following sources:
      1.   An already approved , master program within the ;
      2.   An award-winning design from a national or state organization;
      3.   A document, book, or example endorsed by the American Planning Association, American Sign Association or American Institute of Architects or similar organizations, and approved by the PDSD ;
      4.   A design guideline based in technical including, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (AASHTO), the National Association of City Transportation Officials' Urban Bikeway Design Guide (NACTO), United States Sign Council Model On-Premise Sign Code, Street Graphics and the Law, the Scenic America recommended handbook for on-   or a similar document recommended by the and approved by the PDSD ; and,
      5.   A master program, design, or document recommended by the as being appropriate for the surrounding context of the affected streetscape.
   G.   Findings
      1.   The decision shall show the program's compliance with the following findings applicable to the :
         a.   Meets the purpose of Article 7A, Section 7A.7.A, the master program's purpose, and Section 7A.7.1.E, the master program's design ;
         b.   Creates a clear connection with the shapes, textures, colors and materials used in the appearance of the of the ;
         c.   Creates proportional sizes of placed on or integrated into a building's architecture;
         d.   Improves the legibility of ;
         e.   Enhances driver reaction time to the ;
         f.   Creates an organized wayfinding and identification, or messaging program;
         g.   Protects significant scenic views;
         h.   Promotes a well-organized visual environment through appropriate sizes, number, , and spacing; and,
         i.   Represents a best practice of the design of dark sky illumination.
(Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)