13.1   The City must give notice of approval, denial or withdrawal.
13.2   The City may deem an application withdrawn if the applicant does not provide the requested documentation or information, or an explanation why the information cannot be provided within the established time period after:
   1.   fifteen from date of the notice of application corrections or deficiencies; or
   2.   thirty after the date of the notice of a request for corrections.
13.3   If the notice is for a denial or withdrawal, the notice must include the following:
   1.   Citations of the pertinent regulations justifying an application denial or withdrawal; and
   2.   An explanation of the applicant’s rights to appeal the denial or withdrawal, including the number of working in which the applicant must file an appeal and the telephone number of a municipal; contact person who can answer questions regarding the appeal process; and
   3.   An explanation of the applicant’s right to resubmit the application, the total amount of fees that will be assessed for reapplication and the method in which those fees are calculated.
13.4   If within the substantive review time frame for a license, and after all permitted comprehensive requests for corrections, the license request is still not in compliance with the City regulations and policies, the application will be denied.
(Admin. Directive 1.02-9, rev. 4/25/2014)