A. The CDRC serves in a technical advisory capacity for the City Manager, the Zoning Examiner, the Planning Director, the PDSD Director, and the Mayor and Council.
B. The CDRC’s primary functions are to facilitate and expedite the review and approval of subdivision plats, development packages, and land development
, such as the Administrative and Technical Manuals, and to ensure compliance with adopted codes and regulations applicable to a project.
C. CDRC members possess the necessary administrative authority and expertise to properly evaluate matters before the CDRC and are obligated to respond expeditiously and in a timely and courteous manner.
D. They are also expected to objectively enforce requirements established by an adopted code, ordinance, or the Administrative and Technical Manuals and to assist to the best of their ability in finding solutions to technical and procedural problems.
CDRC members provide information to individuals regarding development of specific sites within the City of Tucson. Such information may include explanations of regulations and design
applicable to the proposed development and any other land use related information including projected capital improvements.
A. The CDRC performs formal technical review of all tentative and final plats, development packages, and design
, in accordance with applicable codes, ordinances and legal requirements. Review shall minimally include compliance with codes regulating streets, sidewalks and public transportation access, zoning, floodplain and drainage, fire, water, environmental services, wastewater, and other Pima County and utility company regulations.
B. Once a complete application is accepted by the CDRC, the submitted documents are distributed to the CDRC members for review and comment on all applicable codes, ordinances, the Administrative and Technical Manual and all other applicable regulations.
C. Once the review is complete, the CDRC, shall prepare a letter which details the status of the plan review. If the plan has been approved, the letter will detail the items that must be submitted to the CDRC office for final approval. If the plans have been denied, the letter will detail the resubmittal requirements and the issues that need to be addressed and remedied. The resubmittal requirements will include the number of copies of the plans required along with all other documents needed to complete the review. The letter will also indicate which agencies must continue to review the plans after the required changes have been made.
D. When a resubmittal is required, the applicant must, in addition to any corrected or modified tentative plat, final plat and/or development package, and required additional documentation, include a letter with the resubmittal package. The letter must respond to each comment in the CDRC response letter and explain in detail any revisions made by the applicant to the plans and/or documents addressing those comments.
E. Upon receipt of a resubmittal PDSD shall distribute the revised plan, documents, and resubmittal letter to the CDRC for review and comment. If the resubmitted plans and documents do not resolve all comments and demonstrate compliance with applicable requirements, then the CDRC shall again issue a letter detailing the resubmittal requirements.
F. Once the CDRC office issues an approval letter and the applicant submittals all the items detailed in the approval letter, the plans shall be forwarded to the PDSD Director with a recommendation for approval. The PDSD Director shall approve the plans within five working days of receipt of the plans and required documents as long as all other processes associated with the plan have already been approved. Rezonings, overlays, Board of Adjustment variances, etc. can delay approval. Once approved, the applicant will received a signed copy of the plan for use for additional reviews and permits. The CDRC approval letter will include the expiration date of the plan.
G. The approval date of the plan is the date of the CDRC approval letter unless the plan involves a rezoning. The approval date of the plan with a rezoning is the date the rezoning is ordinanced by the Mayor and Council. Refer to Article 8 of the Unified Development Code of information on review periods and extensions to review periods.
H. PDSD review of final plats usually occurs after the tentative plat has been approved. The applicant may submit a final plat for review after PDSD has completed the first review of the tentative plat. The PDSD Director may give prior approval for concurrent review of a tentative and final plat. However, in all cases where the applicant submits a final plat prior to a tentative plat approval the applicant must assume the risk that PDSD or the CDRC may require changes to the tentative plat that may affect the final plat.
I. See Administrative Manual Section 2-07.6.0 for information on recording an approved final plat.
J. Informal preliminary reviews may be done by the CDRC by scheduling a presubmittal conference with PDSD. The quality of comments generated at a presubmittal conference is directly related to the quality and level of detail provided by the applicant. Some processes (minor subdivisions and block plats) require a presubmittal conference. A presubmittal conference is required for these processes to determine whether or not there are sufficient design or technical issues to warrant review of a tentative plat. Determination as to whether or not a review of a tentative plat is warranted shall be by the CDRC upon evaluation of the information. If the CDRC determines that review of a tentative plat is not required, the presubmittal conference notes provided at the conference must be submitted with the first submittal of the plans to the CDRC office. The notes must indicate that the CDRC members at the presubmittal conference concur with the process elected by the applicant.
K. The PDSD Director has the discretion to ask the CDRC for advice regarding any other matter related to land development.
3-02.1.0 PURPOSE
3-02.4.0 APPLICATIONS SUBJECT TO A.R.S. § 9-831 et seq.
3-02.15.0 REFUNDS
Senate Bill (SB) 1598 was adopted by the Arizona Legislature in 2011. The law, which was codified as A.R.S. § 9-831, et seq. and amended in 2013 by House Bill 2443, applies to all Arizona municipalities and counties and flood control districts. The law requires the City of Tucson (City) and other public entities to which the statute applies to establish time frames for the approval or denial of each type of license to which the law applies. The purpose of this Compliance Review Time frames Policy (Compliance Policy) is to bring City
review application processing procedures into compliance with the A.R.S. § 9-831 et seq.
(Am. Admin. Directive, 5/14/2013; Am. Admin. Directive 1.02-9, rev. 4/25/2014)
2.1 This Compliance Policy applies to the various types of City application review procedures that produce outcomes that qualify as “licenses,” defined in A.R.S. § 9-831(2) as “the whole or part of any municipal permit, certification, approval, registration, charter or similar permission required by law.”
2.2 This Compliance Policy will take precedence over any time frame for a qualifying “license” in the
, Administrative Manual, or Technical Standards Manual.
(Am. Admin. Directive 1.02-9, rev. 4/25/2014)
3.1 The City has consistently supported and practiced expeditious review of all applications, and will continue to do so under the time frames set forth in this Policy. The Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) will continue to engage in process improvement to review various applications in the most expeditious way possible and will continue to work with customers to review their applications in a manner that:
provides flexibility when needed;
assures the public health and safety; and,
allows a customer complying with the City’s
regulations to achieve their permitting and
goals in a timely manner.
3.2 By
law, the City may not initiate discussions with an applicant about waiving the requirements of A.R.S. § 9-831 et seq. However, if requested to do so by the applicant, PDSD staff will be happy to answer any questions the applicant might have regarding an alternative, more flexible review processes.
(Am. Admin. Directive 1.02-9, rev. 4/25/2014)