12.1   For substantive reviews of a license application, the City may issue no more than one comprehensive request for corrections, as that term is defined in the A.R.S. § 9-831(7) except as listed below.
12.2   The City may make the following additional requests for corrections:
   1.   If the City subsequently identifies legal requirements that were not included in the comprehensive request for corrections, the City may amend the comprehensive request for corrections once to include the legal requirements and provide the legal authority for the requirements.
   2.   If an applicant fails to resolve an issue identified in a request for corrections, the City may make a supplemental written requests for corrections that are limited to issues previously identified in a comprehensive request for corrections.
   3.   If an applicant requests significant changes, alterations, additions or amendments to an application that are not in response to the request for corrections, the City may make one additional comprehensive request for corrections and may have an additional fifty percent of the substantive review time frame for the license to be granted or denied.
12.3   Nothing in the statute prohibits communication between the City and the applicant regarding a comprehensive request for corrections. A.R.S. § 9-835(H).
12.4   The substantive and overall time frame may be extended by mutual written or electronic agreement. The extensions may not exceed 50% of the overall time frame. For an application requiring more time, the applicant must submit a new application. A.R.S. § 935(I).
(Am. Admin. Directive 1.02-9, rev. 4/25/2014)