Sec. 29-24. Development between one hundred (100) and five hundred (500) feet from a landfill.
Any proposed development which is to be located between one hundred (100) and five hundred (500) feet from a landfill, shall receive the necessary building permits only after city approval of a self-certification statement. The certification statement form must state that the following factors, which may affect development, have been considered and appropriate steps have been taken to prevent any adverse impact from the landfill(s):
   A.   Site assessment. The developer shall identify and review, from available information, the location of the landfill, the operators of the landfill, dates of operation, depth to groundwater, groundwater test results, landfill depth, type of landfill waste, floodplain designations, gas data, gas monitoring system information, gas extraction system information, recent and historical aerial photographs and landfill history.
   B.   Methane condition and monitoring. The developer shall identify and review, from available information, any existing methane condition within the landfill area and any potential migration of methane to the surface or adjoining areas that may endanger any future occupant or user of the proposed development.
   C.   Methane limitation or extraction system. The developer shall identify and review from available information any existing systems for the extraction or mitigation of methane if appropriate to the proposed development.
   D.   Construction specifications. The developer shall identify and review, from available information, the special steps that may be taken in the construction of the development to accommodate the special characteristics of the landfill including provisions for control of methane migration within structures.
   E.   Submitting self-certification statements. The self-certification statement form shall be submitted to the director and is subject to review and approval by the director. The self- certification statement shall be submitted on a standardized form provided by the director.
(Ord. No. 10037, § 1, 9-13-04)