Sec. 16. A tax on gross income or gross value or gross proceeds of sales and services of public utilities.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Charter of the City of Tucson, and notwithstanding the limitation of the transaction privilege tax to one (1) percent in chapter IV, section 2 of said Charter,* the city may impose, levy and collect a tax in excess of one (1) percent of the gross income or gross value or gross proceeds of sales or the provision of services, to consumers or subscribers, for consumption or use within the corporate limits of the City of Tucson, by public utilities whether or not such public utilities are doing business under a franchise. Any franchise payments made by such a public utility to the city shall be credited toward the payment of any tax enacted hereunder.
(Ord. No. 3027, eff. 10-14-67)
*   Editors Note: Ch. 4, 2, was amended by Ord. No. 3346, 1. eff. 12-29-69, to increase the allowable tax from 1% to 2%.