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General Provisions
   70.01   Adoption of Illinois Vehicle Code
   70.02   Pedestrians standing on sidewalks
Driving While Intoxicated
   70.15   Prohibited
   70.16   Admissibility of chemical analysis tests; presumptions
   70.17   Introduction of other evidence of intoxication
   70.18   Blood samples
   70.19   Person tested may have physician administer test
   70.20   Availability of chemical test to defendant and his or her attorney
   70.21   Refusal to take test
   70.22   Reports of violations
Abandoned Vehicles
   70.40   Definitions
   70.41   Exemptions
   70.42   Abandonment of vehicles prohibited
   70.43   Leaving wrecked, nonoperating and the like vehicles on streets
   70.44   Impoundment and disposition
Vehicle Seizure and Impoundment
   70.60   Nuisance declared
   70.61   Seizure and impoundment
   70.62   Administrative fees
   70.63   Notice of hearing
   70.64   Hearing
   70.65   Right to possession of vehicle
Non-Highway Vehicle Regulations
   70.80   Definitions
   70.81   General provisions
   70.82   Permits
   70.83   Fees
   70.99   Penalty
Statutory reference:
   Abandoned vehicles, see ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 4-201 et seq.
   DWI, see ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 11-501 et seq.