General Provisions
151.01 Cutting or boring across or under town streets
Excavations and Obstructions
151.15 Definitions
151.16 Lighting at night
151.17 Barricades or guards required; injury to or removal
151.18 Obstructing free passage of streets
151.19 Compliance required
151.20 Permit required; fee
151.21 Bond required
151.22 Backfilling and repaving
151.23 Liability of permittee to continue for one year
151.24 Authority to issue or deny permits
151.25 Mains and pipes; location; supervision of work
151.26 Notice of completion
151.27 Tunneling
151.28 Barricades and danger lights
151.29 Protection of sides; injury to adjoining pavements
151.40 Definitions
151.41 Purposes of sidewalks
151.42 Construction standards
151.43 Location
151.44 Financing
151.45 Implementation
151.46 Failure of owner to construct sidewalk
151.47 Grade establishment
151.48 Ice, snow or debris
151.49 Notice to construct or improve
151.99 Penalty