No person, firm or corporation or any agent thereof shall engage in the sale of Christmas trees in the City without first having procured a license from the Director of Finance for specific premises for a period not to exceed thirty days in any one year, unless such sale is incidental to and upon premises of an established horticultural business in the City, or unless it is a business for which an annual license has been issued by the City, which license is in full force and effect, and the sale will be conducted upon the same premises for which such annual license was issued, or unless such person, firm or corporation, or any agent thereof has been established in its business location prior to June 1 of that year, and the sale will take place upon the same premises. A separate license shall be required for each location designated by the applicant where Christmas trees and/or branches or parts thereof, or other types of Christmas decorations or trimmings are to be offered for sale. No license issued hereunder shall be transferable from one person or location to another person or location without the written approval of the Director of Finance; provided, however, that any business not annually licensed by the City and desiring to engage in the sale of Christmas trees and/or decorations, etc., shall first register with the Director of Finance as to their intention to engage in such sale and provided further that for good cause shown to his satisfaction, the Mayor may relieve any recognized church or charitable institution which is the recipient of the entire proceeds from such sale of Christmas trees and/or decorations, etc., from compliance with the license fee requirements only of this section.
(1952 Code § 25-12-7; Ord. 201-61)
An applicant for the license required in Section 711.01 prior to the first of December of the year in which the sale takes place shall file an application therefor with the Director of Finance upon forms to be provided by such Director, which forms shall include the nameand address of the person, firm or corporation in whose behalf the sale is to be conducted, the dates during which the sale will take place, the location where such sale shall take place, the approximate value and number of trees proposed to be sold at such sale and such other information as the Director may require. The Director of Finance, upon being satisfied as to the truth of any application submitted, shall issue a license for the sale of the Christmas trees and/or decorations, etc., for a period not to exceed thirty days. Any person, firm or corporation to whom a license is granted shall, upon the granting of such license, pay a fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) to the Director of Finance.
(Ord. 152-05. Passed 3-22-05.)
No person, firm or corporation to whom a license is issued under the provisions of Section 711.02 shall place, allow or permit to be placed on any sidewalk, street, alley or other public way, any Christmas trees and/or branches or parts thereof, or any other type of Christmas decorations or trimmings; and further the licensee shall, upon expiration of the sale period, leave such specific premises upon which the sale is conducted in a clean and sanitary condition so that the public health and safety of the citizens of the City will not be jeopardized thereby. The Director of Finance shall revoke the license of any licensee upon conviction of a violation of the provisions of this section, and any licensee so convicted shall be ineligible for the license provided for by Section 711.01 for a period of two years from the date of such conviction. It shall be the duty of the Division of Police to enforce the provisions of this section.
(1952 Code § 25-12-9; Ord. 201-61)