Parking Places
743.01   Definitions.
743.02   License required.
743.03   Application for license.
743.04   License fees.
743.05   Issuance and transfer of licenses.
743.06   Revocation of license.
743.07   Signs required.
743.08   Change of rate.
743.09   Open parking places to be fenced in.
743.10   Limitation on storage.
743.11   Entrances and exits.
743.12   Loading and unloading passengers.
743.13   Claim checks to be furnished.
743.14   Transfer of parked vehicles.
743.15   Use of parked vehicles.
743.16   Construction materials.
743.17   Sidewalks to be kept clean; placing snow in public right-of-way.
743.18   Open parking places to be enclosed.
743.19    Employees
743.99   Penalty.
   Unauthorized use of a vehicle; vehicle trespass - see GEN. OFF. 545.06
   General business licensing provisions - see BUS. REG. Ch. 701