709.01 Entertainments classified.
709.02 License required.
709.03 Application for license.
709.04 Bond required of applicant for second class license.
709.05 Deposit required of applicant for third class license.
709.06 Seating capacity to be certified.
709.07 Inspection prior to issuance of license.
709.08 Issuance of license.
709.09 License fees.
709.99 Penalty.
Contests or games at county fairs - see Ohio R.C. 1711.09, 1711.11
State licensing of portable amusement devices - see Ohio R.C. 1711.11 (H)
County license for public shows - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3765
Gambling - see GEN. OFF. 517.02 et seq.
Slug use - GEN. OFF. 545.11
Tampering - see GEN. OFF. 545.12
General business licensing provisions - see BUS. REG. Ch. 701
All theatricals, shows and amusements, field games and public exhibitions of every kind intended to amuse, instruct or entertain and to which the public is required to pay a fee, are hereby divided into the classes hereinafter set forth, and the theatre, opera house, auditorium, hall, park, grounds, tent or other enclosure, or place where it is intended to produce, offer or present such entertainment is hereinafter referred to by the general term "place"; all exhibitions and performances are hereinafter designated as "entertainments."
(a) First Class: All entertainments of a theatrical, dramatic, operatic, vaudeville or spectacular character and all entertainments by moving pictures, except those provided for in subsection (o) hereof.
(Ord. 195-84. Passed 3-27-84.)
(b) Second Class: All circuses and wild west shows.
(c) Third Class: All carnivals and street shows.
(d) Fourth Class: All auto shows, industrial, food, animal and stock shows and exhibitions of a similar character.
(e) Fifth Class: All side shows or other similar entertainments given under a covering of canvas or within any structure or enclosure intended for temporary use and capable of transfer or removal.
(f) Sixth Class: All merry-go-rounds, revolving wheels carrying passengers, shoot-the-chutes and devices of a similar character.
(g) (EDITOR'S NOTE: Former subsection (g) was repealed by Ordinance 197-83, passed March 15, 1983.)
(h) Eighth Class: Professional baseball games.
(i) Ninth Class: All amusement parks.
(j) Eleventh Class: All exhibitions, entertainments or amusements not included in any of the foregoing classes.
(k) Twelfth Class: Air shows at Metcalf Field.
(l) (EDITOR'S NOTE: Former subsection (l) was repealed by Ordinance 197-83, passed March 15,1983.)
(m) Fourteenth Class: Roller and ice-skating rinks.
(n) Fifteenth Class: Shooting galleries.
(o) Sixteenth Class: Drive-in auto theaters.
(p) Seventeenth Class: Miniature golf courses.
(1952 Code § 25-5-1; Ord. 16-64; Ord. 917-71)
No person, firm or corporation, either as owner, lessee, manager, officer or agent, shall give, conduct, produce or offer for gain or profit any of the entertainments as specified in Section 709.01 without first having obtained a license as hereinafter provided.
(1952 Code § 25-5-2)
Any person, firm or corporation, desiring to produce, operate or offer for gain or profit, any of the foregoing classes of entertainment at any place within the City shall make application in writing for such license to the Department of Finance, which shall conform to the general provisions of this Part Seven - Business Regulation Code relating to the application for licenses and shall set forth therein a description of the place where it is proposed to offer such entertainment and a description of the kind and class of such entertainment; and if such place has a seating capacity, then the capacity thereof.
(1952 Code § 25-5-3)
(a) In entertainments of the second class, the person applying for a license in addition to the license fee shall execute a bond in the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) to the City, to save the City harmless from all damages that may be caused to streets, sidewalks, drains and other public property in the production of such entertainment.
(b) Such bond shall be approved by the Director of Finance and no license shall be granted until such bond is given as herein provided.
(1952 Code § 25-5-4)