1116.0202 Urban Agriculture.
   Activities that primarily involve raising or producing field crops or other plants.
   A. Major Urban Agriculture. Land, nurseries, agriculture buildings, greenhouses or community gardens, as defined in Sec. 1116.0100 , used to raise flowers, shrubs, and plants for sale on-site. This includes the use of structure(s) greater than four-hundred square feet (400 ft2) in total area.
   B. Minor Urban Agriculture. Land, farming, truck gardening, forestry, tree farming or community gardens, as defined in Sec. 1116.0100 , used to raise flowers, shrubs, and plants for sale subject to Section 1104.2406 Sales. Structure(s) may be used for growing but shall not exceed four-hundred square feet (400 ft2) in total area.
   C. Exempt. Animal husbandry and/or livestock husbandry does not constitute urban agriculture and shall conform to the current Toledo Municipal Code and State of Ohio Department of Agriculture regulations. It is the responsibility of the person keeping livestock to be aware of and abide by all applicable local, state or federal requirements including but not limited to the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Ohio Livestock Care Standards and private deed or covenant restrictions.
(Ord. 170-04. Passed 3-23-04; Ord. 158-18. Passed 4-24-18.)