   43.01   Policy
§ 43.01 POLICY.
   It shall be the policy of the village that any person shall be allowed to address public officials at any board, committee, or commission meeting subject to the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that citizens are allowed time to present their views pertaining to issues concerning the village while permitting the board, committee or commission to conduct their meetings in an effective manner. During a designated public comment period, and the following rules shall apply to all such public comment periods:
   (A)   A person shall be permitted to speak upon being recognized by the Chairperson. All comments shall be received from the podium, if possible.
   (B)   All public comments are limited to six minutes, and each person shall only be permitted to speak once; however, at regular and special village board meetings, each person shall be allowed to speak once in accordance with this policy, on each agenda item other than consent agenda items that are presented for final adoption. All public comment at special village board, special commission, or special committee meetings must be germane to items on that particular special meeting. At the discretion of the Chairperson, the person providing public comment may be allowed to comment further than six minutes or speak more than once. The Chairperson may direct the person to submit further comments to the Chairperson in writing for the distribution to village officials at a later date.
   (C)   The total time allotted for public comment shall generally be 60 minutes, unless a majority of the board agrees to extend the time allotted for that specific meeting.
   (D)   The board will not necessarily respond to public comments provided at the same time comment is given. Consideration will be given to the public comment and further research and referral to village staff may be required before the board takes any action or responds to the public comment.
   (E)   The Chairperson shall preserve order and decorum. Any person who engages in threatening or disorderly behavior when addressing a board, commission, or committee shall be deemed out-of-order by the Chairperson and their time ceased to address the board, commission, or committee at said meeting.
   (F)   Any member of the public may address the board in public comments and public hearings regardless of residency.
   (G)   Each meeting agenda will have a designated public comments section provided. This is the only time comments from the public are allowed unless called upon by the Chairperson or during a public hearing.
(Ord. 2016-O-046, passed 7-5-16; Am. Ord. 2019-O-021, passed 5-7-19; Am. Ord. 2019-O-077, passed 12-3-19)