General Provisions
119.01 Definitions
119.02 Location of businesses selling alcoholic beverages
119.03 Hours for sale of beer
119.04 Hours for sale of liquor generally
119.05 Hours of sale of mixed beverages
119.06 Hours of consumption generally
119.07 Hours of consumption in private clubs
119.08 Consumption on street or sidewalk
119.09 Sale to intoxicated persons
119.10 Sale to persons under 21 years of age
119.11 Employment of persons under 18 years of age
119.12 Purchase by persons under 21 years of age
119.13 Consumption or possession by a minor
119.14 Possession prohibited at school athletic events
119.15 Lewd, immoral or offensive conduct prohibited on licensed premises
119.16 Prohibition against bringing alcoholic beverages onto city golf course
Permits and Licenses
119.30 Required; amount of fee
119.31 Prerequisites to issuance
119.32 Renewal; assignment or transfer; refund of fee
119.33 Duration; proration of fee
119.34 Separate license or permit required for each place of business
119.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Authority to restrict location of sale of beer, intoxicating liquor near schools, churches and hospitals, see Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 109.33
Definitions, see Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 1.04
(A) Restrictions. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or engage in the business of selling alcoholic beverages within the city, where the place of business of the person is situated:
(1) Within 300 feet of any church, public school or public hospital; and/or
(2) Within 1,000 feet of a public school if the City Commission receives a request from the board of trustees of a school district pursuant to Tex. Education Code § 38.007.
(B) Measurement of distance. The measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and the church or public hospital shall be along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door, and in a direct line across intersections. The measurement of the distance between the place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and the public schools shall be in a direct line from the property line of the public school to the property line of the place of business, and in a direct line across intersections.
(C) Notice to State Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Every applicant for an original alcoholic beverage license or permit for a location with a door by which the public may enter the place of business of the applicant that is within 1,000 feet of the nearest property line of a public school, measured along street lines and directly across intersections, must give written notice of the application to officials of the public school before filing the application with the State Alcoholic Beverage Commission. A copy of the notice must be submitted to the State Alcoholic Beverage Commission with the application. This division (C) does not apply to a permit or license covering premises where minors are prohibited from entering the premises under Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 109.53.
(D) Existing businesses. As to any dealer who held a license or permit on 9-1-1983, in a location where a regulation under this section was in effect on that date, for purposes of division (A) above, but not division (C) above, the measurement of the distance between the place of business of the dealer and a public school shall be along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door, and in a direct line across intersections.
(E) Variances. The City Commission may allow variances to division (A) above if it determines that enforcement of division (A) above in a particular instance is not in the best interest of the public, constitutes waste or inefficient use of land or other resources, creates an undue hardship on an applicant for a license or permit, does not serve its intended purpose or is not effective or necessary, or for any other reason the City Commission, after consideration of the health, safety and welfare of the public and the equities of the situation, determines is in the best interest of the community.
(F) Exceptions. Division (A)(2) above does not apply to the holder of:
(1) A retail on-premises consumption permit or license if less than 50% of the gross receipts for the premises is from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages;
(2) A retail off-premises consumption permit or license if less than 50% of the gross receipts for the premises, excluding the sale of items subject to the motor fuels tax, is from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages; or
(3) A wholesaler’s, distributor’s, brewer’s, distiller’s and rectifier’s, winery, wine bottlers’ or manufacturer’s permit or license, or any other license or permit held by a wholesaler or manufacturer as those words are ordinarily used and understood in Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 102.01.
(1998 Code, § 10-2) Penalty, see § 119.99
(A) Findings of fact. The City Commission finds as facts the following.
(1) The county is a county of less than 500,000 population according to the last preceding federal census.
(2) By virtue of Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 105.05, as amended, the City Commission, the governing body of the city, is authorized to set, and has set in divisions (B) and (C) below, hours each week in which it shall be unlawful for any person to sell beer or offer beer for sale within the city.
(B) Persons not holding retail dealer’s on-premises late hours license. If a person does not hold a retail dealer’s on-premises late hours license, it shall be unlawful for him or her to sell beer or offer beer for sale:
(1) On Sunday between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon; and
(2) On any day, except Sunday between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m.
(C) Persons holding retail dealer’s on-premises late hours license. If a person holds a retail dealer’s on-premises late hours license, it shall be unlawful for him or her to sell beer or offer beer for sale:
(1) On Sunday at any time between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon; and
(2) On any day, except Sunday at any time between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(1998 Code, § 10-3) Penalty, see § 119.99
(A) Except as provided in Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code §§ 105.02 through 105.04, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or deliver any liquor within the city:
(1) On New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day;
(2) On Sundays; and
(3) Before 10:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. on any other day.
(B) When Christmas Day or New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday, division (A) above applies to the following Monday.
(1998 Code, § 10-4) Penalty, see § 119.99
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 105.01
(A) Findings of fact. The City Commission finds as facts the following.
(1) The county is a county of less than 300,000 population according to the last preceding federal census.
(2) By virtue of Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code §§ 22.08, 105.01 through 105.03, 201.09, 201.13, 201.45 and 201.47, as amended, the City Commission, the governing body of the city, is authorized to set, and has set in divisions (B) and (C) below, hours each week in which it shall be unlawful for any person to sell any mixed beverages as that term is defined by Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 1.04(13), as amended, or offer any mixed beverages for sale within the city.
(B) Persons not holding mixed beverage late hours permit. If a person does not hold a mixed beverage late hours permit, duly issued as provided by the Alcoholic Beverage Code, it shall be unlawful for him or her to sell any mixed beverage or offer any mixed beverage for sale:
(1) On Sunday between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon; and
(2) On any day, except Sunday between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m.
(C) Persons holding mixed beverage late hours permit. If a person holds a mixed beverage late hours permit, duly issued as provided by the Alcoholic Beverage Code, it shall be unlawful for him or her to sell any mixed beverage or offer any mixed beverage for sale:
(1) On Sunday at any time between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon; and
(2) On any day, except Sunday at any time between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(1998 Code, § 10-5) Penalty, see § 119.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage in any public place, or for any person to possess any alcoholic beverage in any public place for the purpose of consuming the alcoholic beverage in such public place, at any time on Sunday between the hours of 2:15 a.m. and 12:00 noon and on all other days at any time between the hours of 2:15 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(1998 Code, § 10-6) Penalty, see § 119.99
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 105.06(c)
It shall be unlawful for any private club to cause, permit or allow any person to consume or be served any alcoholic beverages on the club premises at any time on Sunday between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon or on any other day at any time between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(1998 Code, § 10-7) Penalty, see § 119.99
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Tex. Alcoholic Beverage Code § 33.01