General Provisions
115.001 Revocation of license or permit not to bar prosecution
115.002 Prohibited where notice posted
115.015 Definitions
115.016 Vehicle insurance; route; operation of business generally
115.017 Permit required; fee
115.018 Permit transfer
115.019 Permit application; prerequisites for issuance
115.020 Chief of Police shall maintain applications
115.021 Permit revocation authorized; grounds
115.022 Hearing on permit revocation; notice to permittee; conduct of hearing; failure to appear; findings and order by Hearing Officer
115.023 Driver’s permit required; exceptions
115.024 Driver’s permit qualifications
115.025 Driver’s permit application; fee
115.026 Investigation of applicant
115.027 Driver’s permit issuance or denial
115.028 Duration; voidance upon suspension or revocation of state driver’s license
115.029 Duplicate permit
115.030 Suspension of driver’s permit by city’s designated representative
115.031 Driver’s permit revocation; surrender of permit
115.032 Appeals
115.033 Forging or altering permit, badge or emblem
115.034 Notification of change in mailing address
Itinerant Vendors
115.045 Definitions
115.046 Enforcement
115.047 Exemptions
115.048 Sale of certain products by transient vendors prohibited
115.049 License required
115.050 License application
115.051 License fee
115.052 License issuance
115.053 License contents
115.054 Duration
115.055 License transfer
115.056 License display
115.057 Separate license required for each location
Charitable Solicitations
115.070 Permit required
115.071 Permit application
115.072 Permit issuance or denial; records
115.073 Permit duration
115.074 Permit transfer
115.075 Permit revocation
115.076 Solicitation in roadway or median
Mobile Food Units
115.085 Definitions
115.086 Purpose
115.087 Applicability
115.088 Requirements
115.089 Planning Commission considerations
115.090 Permit revocation or suspension
As to §§ 115.015 through 115.034 and 115.070 through 115.076, it shall be unlawful for any person to go upon any residential premises for the purpose of solicitation and ring the doorbell, knock upon the door, or create any sound for the purpose of attracting the attention of the occupants of the residence if there is placed on such premises, in a conspicuous place, upon or near the main entrance to the residence, a weatherproof sign or card, not less than two inches by four inches in size, bearing the words “no solicitation,” “no peddlers,” “no trespassing,” or any form of the word solicit, peddle or trespass. The letters on such cards shall be not less than one-half of an inch in height.
(Ord. 13-36, passed 10-2-2013)