1166.01 Purpose.
1166.02 Scope.
1166.03 Permit required.
1166.04 Definitions.
1166.05 Computations.
1166.06 Prohibited signs.
1166.07 Standards for permitted signs.
1166.08 Signs permitted in Residential Districts.
1166.09 Signs permitted in “B-1" Limited Business and Office District and “B-1-B” Modified Business and Office Districts.
1166.10 Signs permitted in Professional-Research-Office District.
1166.11 Signs permitted in B-2 General Business District.
1166.12 Signs permitted in B-3 Central Business District.
1166.13 Signs permitted in B-4 Shopping Center District.
1166.14 Signs permitted in Industrial Districts.
1166.15 Administration, enforcement and penalty.
1166.16 Nonconforming Signs.
Illegal traffic signs - see TRAF. 313.07
The purpose of this chapter is to establish reasonable, consistent, content-neutral, and non- discriminatory requirements and standards for the erection and maintenance of signs within the City. Signs constitute a separate and distinct use of the land upon which they are placed and affect the use of adjacent streets, sidewalks and other public places open to the public. These standards are designed to protect and promote the public health, safety, and welfare of persons within the City of Sylvania.
(Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)
(a) This chapter governs the erection and display of all signs in the City of Sylvania, except those erected and displayed by the City, the State of Ohio and the United States in furtherance of their governmental responsibilities and those required by law to be erected and displayed.
(b) It shall be unlawful to erect or display on any building, structure or real property any sign subject to this chapter, except in conformance with the provisions of this chapter.
(c) The provisions contained in this chapter shall be considered separate from, supplemental to, and additional to the provisions contained elsewhere in this Code or other City ordinance. Nothing contained in this chapter shall excuse any person from compliance with all other applicable provisions of the Code.
(d) Wherever authority is to be exercised under this chapter by the Service Director, the Zoning Administrator, the Municipal Planning Commission, or the Architectural Review Board, the authority may also be exercised by a duly authorized designee.
(Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)
(a) All signs and temporary signs erected, placed, constructed or modified within the City, except those specifically excluded in this chapter, shall secure a permit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. All new signs shall secure a permit before any work to erect or construct the sign or temporary sign begins.
(b) The following specific types of signs are allowed in all areas of the City and do not require a permit:
(1) Any public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance.
(2) Any lawful traffic control signs permanently or temporarily located to control vehicular or pedestrian traffic, such as Stop, Yield, and similar signs, the face of which meet Department of Transportation standards and which contain no commercial message of any sort.
(3) Building marker/memorial commemorative plaques, symbols of or identification emblems of religious orders or recognized historical agencies which are cut into a masonry surface, fastened, or inlaid so as to be flat against or part of a building.
(4) Cemetery monuments.
(5) Street address signs, curb signs, and incidental signs.
(6) Signs that are part of the original construction of a vending machine, fuel pump, automatic teller machine, or similar device.
(7) Window displays, temporary window signs, or product displays that advertise goods or products available in the building, but only to the extent such temporary window signs comply with the requirements of Section 1166.07(h)(2)F. and which are otherwise in conformance with any other provision of this code.
(8) Customary religious symbols and holiday lights and decorations with no commercial message, but only for a reasonable period.
(9) Flags, political or corporate, but only to the extent such display is in compliance with the requirements of Section 1166.07(g)(2).
(10) Ornamental banners, but only to the extent such display is in conformance with the requirements of Section 1166.07(h)(2)A.1.
(11) Interior signs that are not legible from beyond the lot line of the zone lot or parcel on which such sign is located.
(12) Signs carried by a person.
(13) Real Estate Signs that conform to the requirements of Section 1166.07(h) and that are less than or equal to nine (9) square feet in size for so long as the real estate is being actively marketed.
(Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)
(14) Temporary Signs that conform to the requirements of Section 1166.07(h) and are less than or equal to nine (9) square feet in size may be displayed. This allowance shall not apply to banners, promotional banners, construction signs, future development signs, portable commercial signs, other Temporary Signs with a commercial message and other Temporary Signs larger than nine (9) square feet in size; and all such Temporary Signs shall be subject to permit as required in Section 1166.03(a). (Ord. 2-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
(15) Works of art that do not include a commercial message and which are less than or equal to twenty-five (25) square feet.
(16) Curb signs. (Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)
(17) Temporary signs in zoning districts other than residential that conform to the requirements of Section 1166.07
(h) and are less than or equal to fifteen (15) square feet in size may be displayed.
(Ord. 2-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)