(a) Permits.
(1) Applicability. No person shall erect, construct, enlarge, relocate, or alter a sign within the scope of this chapter without first obtaining a permit for such sign. The following actions or signs shall not require such approval:
A. Cleaning, painting, electrical or comparable maintenance or repair of a sign that does not alter any regulated feature of such sign.
B. Signs which are listed in Section 1166.03(b) do not require a permit.
(2) Procedure. All sign permits shall be procured in accordance with the following procedure:
A. Application. A written application for a sign permit shall be submitted to the Zoning Office for review and processing. For all new developments, this application shall be submitted at the time of construction plan submittal. The application will be accepted by the Zoning Office only upon determination that all requisite documentation and appropriate fees accompany the application form. The application shall include the submission requirements set forth in Section 1166.15(a)(3) below, and such supplementary information as may be deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator to determine compliance with these regulations.
B. Review of Application. Within ten (10) business days of receiving an application for a sign permit, the Zoning Administrator shall review the application and plans and specifications to determine whether the proposed sign conforms to all applicable requirements of these regulations.
C. Determination of a Complete Application. Following review, if the Zoning Administrator finds that the application is complete and the proposed sign conforms to all applicable requirements of these regulations, the application shall then be processed. If the Zoning Administrator finds that the application is incomplete or that the proposed sign does not conform to all applicable requirements of these regulations, the Zoning Administrator shall within such ten- day period notify the applicant of the specific ways in which the application is deficient or does not conform, with appropriate references to the applicable sections of this chapter. The applicant may upon such notification resubmit its application up to three (3) times without paying an additional Application Fee as provided in Section 1166.15(a)(3)C.
D. Certificate of Appropriateness. Following determination of a complete application, the Zoning Office shall immediately refer the application to the Board of Architectural Review for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
1. Standards for Review. The Board of Architectural Review, in deciding whether to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness, shall determine whether the sign that is the subject of the application under consideration meets the following standards:
a. All signs shall promote, preserve, and enhance the architectural character of the building or structure to which it is to be affixed or the premises upon which it is to be erected, and of the community in which said building, structure, or premises are located;
b. The sign plan aesthetic and economic contextual factors of the proposed sign shall conform to design review standards and guidelines adopted in Sylvania regarding placement; number; size; color; shape and proportions; configuration; graphics; texture; material; lighting; landscaping treatments; as well as the factors set forth in Section 1187.05(a)(1-10).
c. The co-location of signs of multiple businesses on one shared freestanding sign shall be promoted.
d. The Board of Architectural Review may separately require, among other provisions, that signs shall not contain fluorescent or other metallic treatments and shall fit within a community-wide design theme.
2. Action by the Board of Architectural Review. Within forty- five (45) days of the submission of a complete application for a sign permit:
a. If the design theme of the sign(s) that is the subject of the application is found to conform in every respect with the requirements of this chapter, the Board of Architectural Review shall issue a Certificate of Appropriateness and direct the Zoning office to issue a Permit; or
b. If the design theme of the sign(s) that is the subject of the application is found to fail to conform in any way with the requirements of this chapter, the Board of Architectural Review shall deny issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness and specify to the applicant how the sign(s) is inconsistent. The applicant may upon such denial resubmit its application once without paying an additional Application Fee as provided in Section 1166.15(a)(3)C.
(3) Submission requirements. No request for a sign permit shall be considered complete until all of the following has been submitted to the Zoning office:
A. Application form. The application shall be submitted to the Zoning office on forms made available by the office. The form shall specify:
1. Name and address of owner of sign;
2. Name and address of owner or possessor of premises upon which sign located;
3. Street address or location of the property on which the sign is to be located;
4. Type of sign or sign structure as defined by this chapter.
B. Plans and Specifications. Plans and specifications submitted for any proposed sign, including any supporting structure and equipment, shall be drawn to scale and include the following:
1. Lot frontage on all street rights-of-way;
2. Front elevation of the building facade;
3. Facade area of any wall on which a sign is proposed to be placed;
4. A dimensioned sketch of the sign, including the elevations of the sign, and the dimensions of the sign's supporting members;
5. Height of sign, as measured from finished grade;
6. Square foot area per sign face;
7. Location of the sign in relation to property lines, public right-of-ways, easements, buildings, existing trees and vegetation, and other signs on the property;
8. For illuminated signs, the type and placement of illumination;
9. Construction materials of sign, including supporting structure and equipment;
10. Value of the proposed sign, including supporting structure and equipment;
11. Number, type, location and surface area of all existing signs on the same property and/or building on which the sign is to be located;
12. A site plan of the development showing at a minimum the following:
a. A north arrow;
b. A graphic scale;
c. The location, grouping and orientation of all buildings, structures and improvements (both existing and proposed);
d. Parking areas and access points;
e. Landscaping and buffers where required by the Zoning Ordinance;
f. Lot lines and dimensions;
g. The location and dimensions of streets, alleys, driveways and points of access to public rights-of- way. (Ord. 55-2011. Passed 7-18-11.)
C. Application Fee. The applicant shall pay a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for a temporary sign permit and fifty dollars ($50.00) plus $0.20/square foot for any other sign permit.
(Ord. 58-2014. Passed 1-5-15.)
D. Temporary Signs. At the expiration of the applicable time period, additional periods may be granted only upon re-application for permit and payment of additional fees.
(b) Sign Installation and Inspections.
(1) The applicant must submit a picture of the sign after installation.
(2) If, upon inspection, the sign is found to be in noncompliance with the approved application, the Zoning Administrator shall immediately notify the applicant in writing of the deficiencies. The applicant shall have 30 days from the date of the written notice to remedy the noncompliance. If, after such 30 days period, the sign remains in noncompliance upon a second inspection, the sign permit shall be void and the sign shall be subject to the regulations (remedies for violation) set forth in Chapter 1103 and 1171.99.
(c) Assignment of Sign Permits. A current and valid permit for a sign shall be freely assignable to a successor as owner of the property or holder of a business license for the same premises, subject only to filing such application as the Zoning Office may require and paying any applicable fee. The assignment shall be accomplished by filing and shall not require approval.
(d) Variance. At a minimum, applicants for variance from the provisions of this Sign Code must provide proof that the sign design promotes and facilitates the dissemination of information, traffic safety, economic vitality and community aesthetics. This proof shall include:
(1) Conformance with the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices that the placement or size is needed to ensure the sign can be read by the typical viewer under most weather conditions;
(3) If adequate proof is provided the Board of Zoning Appeals may issue a variance permit, retaining the variance application and proof for a period of one year following issuance of the permit.
(e) Enforcement and Penalty. Whoever violates any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties provided in Section 1103.99.
(Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)