Unless otherwise specifically provided by this chapter, all signs located in the City shall be subject to the following limitations, and no permit shall issue for a sign or temporary sign except to the extent that the sign or temporary sign shall conform to these standards:
   (a)    Maximum Number of Signs.
      (1)    Except as specifically provided in this chapter, no zone lot shall be permitted more than two signs of different types or more than one sign of any particular type.
      (2)    In the case of a zone lot with access ways on two streets, there shall be permitted two signs of the same kind, one per access way, and a third sign of a different type.
      (3)    Only one freestanding sign per 250 linear feet of street frontage shall be permitted on any zone lot. (For example: a lot with 500 linear feet to 749 linear feet of street frontage may be permitted to have two (2) freestanding signs.)
   (b)    Location and Configuration.
      (1)    Building signs. A building sign may include an awning sign, a canopy sign, a marquee sign, a double faced projecting sign extending at an angle from the building wall, a single-faced wall sign flat against the wall, a window sign, or any similar sign that is attached to a building.
         A.    Awning, Canopy, and Marquee Signs. Such signs may be attached to roof-like structures extending from a building wall or covering a fuel service island, provided such signs are made a part of the awning, canopy, or marquee and do not extend above the vertical surface of the canopy.
         B.    Projecting Signs. Signs projecting at an angle from the building wall shall not project more than four feet from the building wall, or within one foot of an established curb line, whichever is less. A projecting sign may not encroach upon a public right-of-way unless City Council has enacted an encroachment ordinance. The bottom of any sign projecting at an angle from a wall shall be at least ten feet above the sidewalk or finish grade line and at least fourteen feet above an alley or parking area. The top of any projecting sign shall not project above the roof line of the building wall to which the sign is attached.
         C.    Wall Signs. Wall sign placement shall be determined by the Board of Architectural Review. The following guidelines may guide the Board's review:
            1.    The top edge of the sign should not project above the lower edge of the second story window sills;
            2.    The sign should not cover or obscure any architectural feature or detail of the building onto which it is placed. (Architectural features or details may not be removed from a building to accommodate a sign without the express approval of the Architectural Review Board);
            3.    The top edge of the sign should not project above the top of the building;
            4.    The bottom edge of the sign should be positioned at least eight (8) feet above grade level and the top edge of the sign should not be higher than ten (10) feet from the top of the storefront's entrance and display windows. A wall sign should not project below or above the signboard area of a building;
            5.    The sides of a sign should be positioned so as not to extend past the length of the storefront area;
            6.    The sign should be placed flush against the facade of the building and should not project more than eighteen (18) inches from the surface of the wall onto which it is mounted.
      (2)    Freestanding signs. No freestanding sign shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to an adjacent lot line included in any "R" District. Signs with more than four faces are prohibited.
   (c)    Maintenance of Signs.
      (1)    All signs, marquees and awnings shall be maintained at all times in a safe structural condition and in a neat and clean condition, and shall be kept free from defective or missing parts or peeling paint. Signs which provide time and/or temperature readings must be maintained to reflect current readings.
      (2)    It shall be unlawful to reconstruct a sign that is damaged beyond fifty (50) percent of its replacement cost, or otherwise modify a sign to the extent that the cost of such modification is more than fifty (50) percent of its replacement cost, except in conformance with the provisions of this code.
      (3)    All permanent signs, and the illumination thereof shall be designed, constructed and maintained in conformity with applicable provisions of the building and electrical codes adopted by the City. Wherever there is inconsistency between these sign regulations and the building or electrical code, the more stringent requirement shall apply.
      (4)    All permitted signs shall be maintained perpetually by the property owner, and, in addition at the option of the property owner, any of the following: the owner of the sign, a pertinent homeowners association, or some other person who is legally accountable.
      (5)    All signs, including their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, electrical parts and lighting fixtures, and all painted and display areas, shall be maintained in a state of good repair in accordance with the building and electrical codes adopted by the City, and shall present a neat and clean appearance.
      (6)    The vegetation around, in front of, behind, and underneath the base of freestanding signs for a distance of ten (10) feet shall be neatly trimmed and free of unsightly weeds, and no rubbish or debris shall be permitted under or near the sign.
      (7)    Notice and removal. The Service Director may cause to be removed after due notice any sign or any portion of its structural elements or its supporting framework which shows gross neglect, becomes dilapidated, or has ground area around it that is not well maintained in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. The Zoning Administrator will give the owner ten (10) days written notice by certified mail to correct the deficiencies or remove the sign(s). If, after written notice to the owner, signs are not repaired or removed within ten (10) days of the notice, the Service Director shall cause the removal and charge the cost to the owner. Such cost, at the discretion of the Service Director, may be recorded as a mechanics lien against the property.
   (d)    Abandonment of Signs.
      (1)    It shall be unlawful to refurbish, reconstruct, change sign faces, text or messages upon any sign that has been abandoned or experienced an interruption of use for six (6) or more months, except in conformance with the provisions of this code.
      (2)    Whenever a sign is abandoned or the use of a building or structure or real property is discontinued, all signs pertaining to that use which were previously erected or displayed shall be removed within six (6) months of the discontinuance of the use. Sign supports and frames for abandoned signs shall be allowed to remain at the option of the Zoning Administrator if they fully conform to this chapter, if they would most likely be reconstructed in the same place and manner by a subsequent owner, and if they add real estate value to the property. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the building, structure, or real property to accomplish the removal. If, after written notice to the owner, such signs are not removed within ten (10) days of the notice, the Service Director shall cause the removal without notice or action from the City and charge the cost to the owner. Said cost may, at the discretion of the Service Director, be recorded as a mechanics lien against the property.
         (Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)
   (e)    Illumination of Signs. Where permitted as set forth in the tables found in Sections 1166.08 to 1166.14 , signs may be illuminated internally or by reflected light having constant intensity of illumination. The source of light for signs shall not be directly visible, and shall be so arranged as to reflect away from the adjoining premises. The illumination shall be so placed as not to cause confusion or hazard to traffic, or conflict with traffic control signs or lights. (Ord. 84-2006. Passed 8-21-06.)
   (f)    Reflection Devices on Signs. No sign shall contain any reflective device.
   (g)    Special Types of Permanent Signs.
      (1)    Area identification signs. Area identification signs shall only be permitted with a sign permit at an entrance to a development and shall only contain the name and address of the area or subdivision allowed on the sign. If placed in a boulevard, such placement shall be subject to review by the Service Director who shall consider site distance issues and safety concerns.
      (2)    Flags. The display of flags shall be subject to the following limitations:
         A.    Flags must be flown in accordance with protocol established by the Congress of the United States for the Stars and Stripes;
         B.    A flag shall not exceed 60 square feet in area;
         C.    There shall be no more than three (3) flagpoles per zone lot, the top of which may not exceed 40 feet in height;
         D.    There shall be no more than two flags per pole;
         E.    No rooftop flagpoles shall be permitted;
         F.    A corporate flag may only be flown without a permit when flown along with the U.S. flag;
         G.    Any flag not meeting any one or more of these conditions shall be considered a banner sign and shall be subject to regulation as such. (Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)
      (3)    Gasoline service stations. Gasoline service stations whose principal business is the sale of motor fuel may display the following signs in addition to those authorized by state law under consumer protection statutes and this Chapter.
         A.    One double-faced sign not exceeding five square feet on a side is permitted for each set of motor fuel pumps identifying them as "self-service" or “full service”.
         B.    Multiple single or double-faced signs, having a total aggregate surface area, including the sign frames and surrounding surfaces, of not more than fifteen square feet for single faced or double faced signs, with the total area of a double-faced sign being the area of the largest face, are permitted for the display of information. The top of such sign shall not extend more than seven feet above the finished grade of the service station. Such signs shall be fixed, and shall not be located nearer to the street than the motor fuel pump islands that are nearest such street, and such signs shall not be illuminated.
         C.    Signs limited to the identification of the brand name, logo or type of fuel sold and other signs as may be required by law shall be permitted on the motor fuel pumps.
         D.    Any such signs as may be required by law.
      (4)    Vending machine signs located outside a building and legible from any public right-of-way shall be counted as a sign for purposes of determining the number and aggregate surface area of signs permitted on a zone lot. (Ord. 84-2006. Passed 8-21-06.)
   (h)    Temporary Signs.
      (1)    General requirements. Temporary signs shall be permitted only in accordance with the following regulations and other applicable regulations of this chapter, the Building Code, or other City ordinances, except that temporary signs shall be permitted in addition to the maximum number of signs as provided in Section 1166.07 (a).
         A.    Permit Required. Unless specifically identified as not requiring a permit in Section 1166.03 , all temporary signs shall require a sign permit.
         B.    Sign Area. Temporary signs requiring a permit shall be limited in size to nine (9) square feet in residential zoning districts and limited to fifty (50) square feet in all other zoning districts.
         C.    Display Period. Temporary signs shall be permitted for a specific period not to exceed one (1) year or such other period as specified herein.
         D.    Location. Temporary signs shall not be placed on any public property, public right-of-way, public utility facility, utility pole, lamp post, electric light, railway, shade tree, fire hydrant or any box covering them, bridge or bridge abutment, pavement, sidewalk, crosswalk, public building, or any property belonging to the City.
         E.   Condition. Temporary signs may be displayed only so long as they remain in good structural condition. In addition, all temporary signs shall be kept neatly painted, stained, sealed and preserved, including all metal parts and all supports.
         F.    Removal of Temporary Signs. If a temporary sign is unpermitted, illegally placed, or non-conforming in condition the Zoning Administrator or his designee may have it removed.
         (Ord. 2-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
      (2)    Special temporary sign classifications and regulations.
         A.    Banners:
            1.    Street Banners. A street banner may be erected or displayed for up to thirty (30) days in a business district on the Toledo Edison poles within the public right-of-way at the 5800 block of Monroe Street, or for up to fourteen (14) days in a business district across the downtown block of Main Street between Maplewood Avenue and Monroe Street, subject to the following terms and conditions:
               (Ord. 20-2018. Passed 5-21-18.)
               a.   The bottom of the banner must be mounted at least eighteen (18) feet above the roadway, or in accordance with the latest National Electrical Safety Code and/or local safety codes.
               b.   Provisions must be made for air escapement in street banners and should be at least thirty-five percent (35%) of the total banner area.
               c.   Street banners must have a minimum of four (4) “tie downs”, which shall be of nonconducting material.         
               d.   The installation shall be made in a professional manner.
               e.   The City of Sylvania will perform inspections of the banner installations and reserve the right to remove the banners anytime for the matter of safety and health and public welfare.
               f.   The fee for obtaining the permit to install the banner shall be set at $100.00.
               g.   The Council of the City of Sylvania will review and grant permission to install banners on an application- by-application basis.
               h.   The purpose of the banner installation shall be one of the following reasons: a Sylvania charitable or civic event.
               i.   Banners may not be installed for private commercial or political gain.
               j.   The organization shall procure and maintain during the term of banner installations at their own expense the following insurance:
                  i.   Commercial General Liability Insurance with limits not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit per occurrence, one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) annual aggregate.
                  ii.   The City, along with the Company, its officers, agents and employees shall be named as an additional insured.
                  iii.    An ACCORD Certificate of Insurance Form 25-S and a copy of the above endorsement shall be filed with the City's Clerk of Council at the time the organization obtains the application/permit. The Certificate shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under this policy shall not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days prior written notice has been given to the City. The organization shall thereafter maintain current with the City both the Certificate and Endorsement until such time as the encroachment shall be terminated.
                  iv.    The organization, their successors and assigns agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the City of Sylvania officials, officers, agents and employees against any and all loss, damage, claims or expense whatsoever by reason of injury (including death) to any person or property arising in any manner or under any circumstances whatsoever from the use, occupancy, operation or other activities by which the organization in connection with the banners whether said injury or damage is suffered by the organization, their agents, subcontractors, vendors, employees, or any other person whomsoever who seek to hold the City, its officials, agents, and/or employees liable.
                     (Ord. 36-2010. Passed 4-19-10.)
            2.    Promotional Banners.
               a.   The area of all promotional banners displayed for a business or other non-residential use shall be limited to 25 percent of the maximum permitted permanent sign area for the zone lot.
               b.    Each business or use shall display banners for no more than sixty (60) days during any calendar year.
               c.   Banners shall be displayed only as wall, window, canopy, awning, marquee, or projecting signs in accordance with the applicable regulations pertaining to each sign type.
               d.   Banners may be displayed over a permanent sign frame until construction of a new permanent sign for a period which may not exceed sixty (60) days.
                  (Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)
            3.   Ornamental Banners. Ornamental banners may be erected or displayed in any zoning district.
               (Ord. 84-2006. Passed 8-21-06.)
         B.    Construction Signs. One temporary construction sign permit may be issued for an on-premises sign in connection with a construction project. One additional construction sign may be erected if the project is located on an intersection of two existing streets. A construction sign may be erected for a period no more than seven (7) days prior to the beginning of construction for which a valid temporary zoning permit has been issued and shall be removed seven (7) days after completion and/or prior to occupancy. In no case shall the time period exceed one year.
Max. Area Per
Individual Sign Face
Front *
Side & Rear *
All Residential
12 s.f.
3.5 ft.
4 ft.
10 ft.
5 ft.
All Commercial
50 s.f.
8 ft.
8 ft.
8 ft.
All Industrial
100 s.f.
10 ft.
8 ft.
10 ft.
5 ft.
* Signs located within sixty (60) feet of a street intersection or a railroad and a street intersection must provide a clear view between heights of two and one-half (2-½) feet and ten (10) feet.
         C.    Future Development Signs. One on-premises, temporary future development sign permit may be issued in connection with a proposed construction project. A future development sign may be erected not more than one year prior to the anticipated beginning of construction. An extension of up to one year may be granted upon satisfactory evidence that construction will begin within the extension period.
Max. Area Per
Individual Sign Face
Front *
Side & Rear *
All Residential
32 s.f.
8 ft.
4 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
All Commercial
64 s.f.
10 ft.
14 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft.
All Industrial
100 s.f.
10 ft.
14 ft.
30 ft.
30 ft.
         D.    Portable Commercial Signs. A portable commercial sign with one or two faces may be permitted. The permit for a portable sign shall be valid for only one year from the date the permit is granted.
         E.    Real Estate Signs. A real estate sign shall be permitted as of the date of continuous, active sales promotion efforts of the zone lot.
         F.    Window Signs.
            1.    Temporary window signs shall not be considered when determining whether the standards set forth in Section 1166.07(a) (Maximum Number of Signs) and Section 1166.07(b) (Location and Configuration) herein above have been satisfied.
            2.    Temporary window signs shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the total window area of each ground floor occupancy of a building.
            3.    Temporary window signs shall be allowed without a permit for no more than 30 consecutive days two times per year.
               (Ord. 1-2006. Passed 2-22-06.)