TITLE THREE - Zoning Districts and Requirements
Chap. 1113. Zoning Maps Adopted.
Chap. 1115. Application of District Regulations.
Chap. 1117. R-1 Single-Family Residential Large Lot District.
Chap. 1119. R-1-A Two-Family Residential Large Lot District.
Chap. 1121. R-2 Single-Family Residential Small Lot District.
Chap. 1123. R-2-A Two-Family Residential Small Lot District.
Chap. 1125. R-3 Multiple Dwelling Medium Density District.
Chap. 1127. R-4 Multiple Dwelling Medium High Density District.
Chap. 1131. B-1 Limited Business and Office District.
Chap. 1133. Professional, Research and Office District.
Chap. 1135. B-1-B Modified Business and Office District.
Chap. 1137. B-2 General Business District.
Chap. 1139. B-3 Central Business District.
Chap. 1141. B-4 Shopping Center District.
Chap. 1143. B-5 Office, Retail and Residential District.
Chap. 1145. M-1 Light Industrial District.
Chap. 1147. M-2 Heavy Industrial District.
Chap. 1149. Flood Plain Districts.
Chap. 1150. Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. (Repealed)
Chap. 1151. Downtown Overlay District. (Repealed)
Chap. 1152. Design Review Regulations. (Repealed)