EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 929.13 was deleted by Ordinance 48-2019, passed May 20, 2019.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 929.14 was deleted by Ordinance 48-2019, passed May 20, 2019.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 929.15 was deleted by Ordinance 48-2019, passed May 20, 2019.
Excavations into streets, sidewalks or other public ways for the purpose of laying a sewer or drain, the restoration thereof, and the restoration of the flow thereof, shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 905. Restoration of the flow in a building sewer including crossovers to the wye and the entire cost thereof shall be by and at the expense of the owner of the premises whose building drain discharges into such building sewer the flow of which requires restoration, provided, however, the restoration of flow between a vee and a wye and the entire cost thereof shall be by and at the expense of the City unless the blockage of the sewer is found to have been caused by discharge from a particular building drain, in which event the owner of the premises served by that particular building drain shall, within thirty days after receiving a statement of the cost from the City, reimburse the City the entire cost of restoring such flow and should such owner not so reimburse the City the entire unpaid cost shall be a lien on the premises served by such particular building drain and such lien shall be certified to the County Auditor who shall place the same on the tax duplicate to be collected as other municipal taxes are collected, Should the restoration of flow in a building sewer, including crossovers to the wye, require excavation under the pavement of any street such restoration of flow requiring such excavation shall be made by the City and at the City's expense unless the blockage of the sewer is found to have been caused by discharge from a particular building drain, in which event the owner of the premises served by that particular building drain shall, within thirty days after receiving a statement from the City of the cost of such restoration of flow, reimburse the City the entire cost thereof, and should such owner not so reimburse the City the entire unpaid cost shall be a lien on the premises served by such particular building drain and such lien shall be certified to the County Auditor who shall place the same on the tax duplicate to be collected as other municipal taxes are collected.
(Ord. 129-79. Passed 12-17-79; Ord. 48-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 929.17 was deleted by Ordinance 48-2019, passed May 20, 2019.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 929.18 was deleted by Ordinance 48-2019, passed May 20, 2019.