The City reserves the right to grant such permits as it may deem necessary for allowing persons to connect to the public sewers or drains, provided, however, that the permit shall be granted on the express condition that the owner for whose benefit such connection is made shall, in consideration of the privilege thereby granted, hold the City harmless for any loss or damage that may in any way result or be occasioned by such connection.
(Ord. 106-77. Passed 12-7-77; Ord. 48-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
(a) All applications for permits shall be made in writing by the parties employed to do the work, and shall be accompanied by the signatures of the owners of the premises for whose benefit the application is made, or by their authorized agents or attorneys and shall contain all information requested by the Director.
(b) The Director is hereby authorized and directed to receive applications for and issue sewer connection permits under the provisions of this chapter.
(c) Upon receipt of a connection application, the Director shall consult his records with regard to the sewer or drain desired to be connected with. If such connection can be made, the Director shall give such applicant the location at which the connection is to be made. The Director shall give to the applicant a permit stating that permission is granted to connect with such sewer or drain and also state in such permit the name of the street and the abutting lot number. All permits shall be issued by the Director. Permits for connection to the sewer system shall be issued dependent on the Director's determination that there is or will be capacity available in all downstream sewers, lift stations, force mains, and the sewage treatment plant including capacity for BOD, SS, and phosphorus.
(Ord. 106-77. Passed 12-7-77; Ord. 48-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
Effective on and after July 1, 2019, there is hereby established a fee of $250 payable to the City for each sewer connection permit for the cost of inspection services. Excessive construction time or contractor caused delays may result in additional charges. The contractor shall be informed at the time of such charges.
(Ord. 75-79. Passed 8-20-79; Ord. 48-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
No permit to connect, either directly or indirectly, into a sanitary sewer of the City shall be issued by any official of the City, to any person if the lot or lots or lands to be connected with such sanitary sewer are in whole or in part outside of the sanitary sewer district service area, but the Director may issue such permits even though the lots or lands so to be connected are outside of the territorial limits of the City, if they are wholly within such service area.
(Ord. 106-77. Passed 12-7-77; Ord. 48-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)