Chap. 705. Business Premises Generally.
Chap. 711. Billiard and Pool Parlors.
Chap. 717. Bowling Alleys.
Chap. 721. Charitable Solicitations.
Chap. 723. Coin-Operated Musical Devices.
Chap. 729. Coin-Operated Skill Games.
Chap. 735. Coin-Operated Amusement Devices.
Chap. 741. Exhibitions and Shows.
Chap. 747. Home Sales.
Chap. 753. Junk Yards.
Chap. 759. Solicitors, Vendors, Peddlers and Canvassers.
Chap. 765. Service Stations.
Chap. 771. Soft Drinks. (Repealed)
Chap. 777. Vending Machines.
Chap. 779. Food Establishments. (Repealed)
Chap. 781. Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes.
Chap. 783. Solid Waste Disposal Facilities.
Chap. 785. Oil and Gas Wells.
Chap. 789. Video Service Providers.
705.01 Regulations governing deliveries, sanitation and maintenance.
705.99 Penalty.
Sidewalk obstructions; damage or injury - see GEN. OFF. 521.04 et seq.
Depositing or scattering garbage and rubbish - see GEN. OFF. 521.08
Pollution authority of Safety-Service Director - see GEN. OFF. 521.12
Contractors to keep public areas clean - see GEN. OFF. 521.14