Any dog, which is suspected of having rabies, or any dog, which has bitten a person and caused an abrasion of the skin of the person, shall be confined by the owner as follows:
   A.   If the dog has been properly vaccinated and licensed, the owner may confine the dog, isolated from the public, for a period of ten (10) days, or for any term designated by the State Department of Health;
   B.   If the dog is not licensed or vaccinated, or if the owner does not have adequate facilities to properly confine the animal, the animal shall be seized and confined in some veterinary hospital, and such confinement shall be for a period of ten (10) days or for any term designated by the State Department of Health. The fee for the confinement shall be paid in advance by the owner of the dog; and
   C.   If the owner of the dog refuses to confine the animal under the applicable subsections of this section, the dog, shall be ordered confined or destroyed by the appropriate officer of the City. Any animal ordered destroyed shall be killed by a competent person. The animal's head shall be furnished to the State Department of Health for rabies observation. (Ord. 307, 7-9-2015)