The following planning criteria are established to guide and control the planning, development and use of land in a single-family detached and cluster development.
   (a)   Area and Density Regulations.
      (1)   Development area. The minimum area to qualify for single-family detached and cluster development shall be not less than twenty-five contiguous acres. The Commission may, however, allow areas of less than twenty-five acres if it finds and determines that the single-family detached and cluster development as proposed can adequately meet the intent of this Chapter.
      (2)   Development area density. The residential density of the entire development area shall not exceed 2.60 dwelling units per acre on land zoned R1-75 and 2.0 dwelling units per acre on land zoned R1-100.
      (3)   Required open space. In any single family detached and cluster development, the total public or common open space area shall be not less than twenty percent (20%) of the gross acreage of the entire development area.
   (b)   Building Arrangement and Dwelling Unit Size. The design criteria set forth in this section are intended to provide considerable latitude and freedom to encourage variety in the arrangement of the bulk and shape of buildings, open space and landscape features. The dwellings may be arranged in various groups, courts, sequences or clusters with open spaces organized and related to the dwellings so as to provide privacy and to form a unified composition of buildings and space. Although latitude in design is provided and encouraged, the following design conditions shall be met:
      (1)   Single family attached dwellings. Not more than four single-family dwellings may be attached in any group.
      (2)   Distribution of cluster single-family dwellings. Not more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the total allowable dwelling units within any single family detached and cluster development may be allocated to cluster dwellings.
      (3)   Cluster area building spacing. Dwelling units in an approved cluster area shall be set back not less than fifteen feet from any common open space area controlled by the overall homeowner's association and thirty-five feet from a detached single family side and rear property line. The minimum side separation of adjacent dwelling units shall be ten feet. The minimum rear yard spacing or separation of adjacent units shall be not less than fifty feet. The Commission may, however, allow lesser distances if it determines that the intent of these regulations will be met.
      (4)   Dwelling unit size. The minimum area of any single-family dwelling shall be not less than that established in Section 1252.22 .
   (c)    Yard and Height Regulations.
      (1)   Lot area. The minimum lot area for each dwelling unit in the detached single-family portion of the development area shall be not less than 12,750 square feet on land zoned R1-75 and 17,000 square feet on land zoned R1-100.
      (2)   Lot width. Dwelling units in the detached single-family portion of the development area shall have a minimum lot width of seventy-five feet measured at the building line on land zoned R1-75 and 100 feet on land zoned R1-100. In the detached single-family portion of the development area, corner lots shall have a minimum lot width of not less than ninety feet and 100 feet respectively on land zoned R1-75 and R1-100.
      (3)   Front yard depth. The front yard depth for each dwelling unit in the detached single-family portion of the development area shall comply with Section 1252.05 . The front yard depth for each dwelling unit within any cluster single-family portion of the development area shall be no less than twenty feet measured from the nearest edge of street or sidewalk pavement.
      (4)   Side yard and building spacing. In the detached single family portion of the development area, side yard width and separation between adjacent dwellings shall be as follows:
Each dwelling shall have a minimum side yard depth of not less than ten feet and the minimum separation between adjacent dwellings shall not be less than twenty feet.
      (5)   Rear yard. The rear yard depth for dwellings in the detached single-family portion of the development area shall not be less than fifty feet.
      (6)   Yards for accessory buildings and uses. Yards for accessory buildings and uses shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 1252.15 .
      (7)   Height. The height of any single-family dwelling at the front facade shall not exceed two stories.
   (d)   Access and Vehicular Circulation. Each cluster area of single-family dwelling units shall be served by a dedicated street. However, individual dwelling units within such cluster need not so abut provided that:
      (1)   Each dwelling unit is accessible by means of a private drive, to service and emergency vehicles in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer and Fire Prevention Officer.
      (2)   Construction methods, standards and materials for private drives meet accepted engineering practice and are approved by the City Engineer.
      (3)   The location, design and construction of all utilities on private or common land is approved by the City Engineer.
      (4)   The preservation and maintenance of all private drives and utilities on private land is assured by firm commitment of the abutting owners through documents recorded in the office of the Cuyahoga County Recorder or in such other form as is approved by the Director of Law. Each dwelling unit in the detached single-family portion of the development area shall abut upon a dedicated street.
   (e)   Parking. Parking in a single-family detached and cluster development shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 1270 . Two enclosed parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit in a single-family detached and cluster development outside the street right of way or private drive.
Additional guest off-street parking areas may be required by the Commission if it determines that such additional parking is necessary to adequately serve the needs of the cluster area.
      (Ord. 2014-172. Passed 12-1-14.)