(a) The specific color of the dish antenna and its supporting members and appurtenances shall be harmonious in color with the surrounding buildings and structures, as determined by the Building Commissioner.
(b) The dish antenna, shall be adequately screened from view from all public streets and adjoining property, by the use of fencing or landscaping features, to the extent that the Building Commissioner determines to be reasonable, taking into account the affect of the dish antenna on abutting property owners and the public-at-large and the clearance necessary for the dish antenna to receive an acceptable signal. The Building Commissioner may refer any such application to the Architectural Review Board for a report and recommendation as to color and screening. The Architectural Review Board, in its review process, shall utilize those standards and criteria set out in Section 1246.11, where applicable, in each individual case. The decision of the Building Commissioner as to color and screening shall be final. The dish antenna and all required landscaping, screening, and coloring shall be maintained to meet all the conditions of the initial approval.
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)
Dish antenna and support structures shall be maintained in good repair and structurally sound to insure that the antenna and structure will not be damaged due to winds or structural failure. All surfaces shall be maintained in good condition, free of rust, peeling paint, and corrosion.
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)
Any dish antenna installed on or after the effective date of this chapter, and any existing dish antenna lawfully installed prior to the effective date of this chapter which is replaced or modified on or after the effective date of this chapter shall comply with all provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)
(a) A dish antenna one meter (39 inches) or less in diameter or diagonal measurement shall be permitted in any residential zoning district provided that such dish antenna complies with the following criteria:
(1) No portion or part of the dish antenna or its supporting members shall be closer than twenty feet to the paved portion of any abutting road, street, or freeway.
(2) No portion or part of the dish antenna or the supporting members shall be closer than ten feet to the driveway of the subject lot or the driveway of any contiguous lot.
(3) No portion of the dish antenna or its supporting members shall be permitted to block, impede, or overhang any pedestrian sidewalk.
(4) The dish antenna must be designed to withstand a wind force of up to ninety miles per hour.
(5) All electrical wiring shall be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code as adopted by the City in Chapter 1406.
(6) All dish antenna and support structures shall be maintained in good repair and structurally sound to insure that the antenna and structure will not be damaged due to winds up to ninety miles per hour or due to structural failure. All surfaces shall be maintained in good condition, free of rust, peeling paint, and corrosion.
(b) No application for a building permit or permit fee is required for a dish antenna which is one meter (39 inches) or less in diameter or diagonal measurement.
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)
Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree and shall be fined not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which such violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
(Ord. 2000-30. Passed 7-24-00.)