General Provisions
31.001 Oaths and bonds of officers and employees
31.002 Council to appoint department heads, other positions
31.003 Clerk
31.004 Attorney
31.015 Finance Officer
31.016 Budget Officer
31.017 Tax Collector
31.030 Personnel responsibilities of Council
31.031 Personnel Officer
Public Safety
31.045 Police Department
31.046 Auxiliary law enforcement personnel
31.047 Fire Department
Planning and Regulation of Development
31.060 Building Inspections Department
Public Works and Utilities
31.075 Water and Sewer Treatment Plant Supervisors
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
31.085 Name
31.086 Purpose
31.087 Duties and functions
31.088 Membership
31.089 Officers and duties
31.090 Meetings
31.091 Amendments
Personnel Policies, see Ch. 32