   97.01   Definitions
   97.02   Conditions of use
   97.03   Special events use agreement
   97.04   Responsibilities of the event sponsor
   97.05   Insurance and/or security deposit
   97.06   Sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages
   97.07   Additional services and or requirements
   97.08   Two or more applications for the same event date
   97.09   Reservation of annual event dates
   97.10   Violations and damage to public facilities
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   PUBLIC FACILITIES COVERED. A special events application is required for formal use or rental of city park pavilions, the Performance Shell at the park, the Railroad Depot and the Depot Grounds and other facilities as the city may later designate through the City Manager’s Office or by City Commission formal action.
   SPECIAL EVENT. A program or activity requiring authorized use of any city-owned property including parks, public streets, parking lots or other public facilities that may or may not require city services. Programs exclusively sponsored by the city are exempt from this definition.
   TYPES OF SPECIAL EVENTS. Special events include, but are not limited to, concerts, parades, festivals, certain kinds of athletic events (e.g. running races on public streets), marches, large group picnics, religious ceremonies, block parties, and the like.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)
   (A)   Any use of public facilities or property for a special event of any kind shall be in compliance with the special events use agreement issued by the city as well as all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances established by the city, Clinton County and the State of Michigan.
   (B)   All requests to hold a special event as defined in this section shall be through the established application process, with the submission of an application to hold a special event through the City Manager’s Office or his or her designee.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)