(A) The city may require sponsors of special events to carry liability insurance. This requirement will be reviewed and determined by the City Manager or his or her designee, and will depend on various factors, to include but not limited to the size of the event, the character of the event, whether alcohol or fireworks will be part of the event, and other considerations deemed relevant.
(B) If it is determined that insurance is required, an amount of coverage will be determined by the City Manager. An event sponsor will be required to obtain the liability insurance at least seven days in advance of the event and shall further be required to provide the City Manager’s Office and the City Attorney a valid certificate of insurance in the designated amount naming the City of St. Johns as an additional insured. Failure to provide this proof of insurance will result in cancellation of the event.
(C) The City Manager is also authorized to require a security deposit to cover potential costs and/or damages if such deposit is deemed appropriate in his or her sole discretion.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)
(A) The city strictly limits the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with special events. Only non-profit organizations, community service organizations or the city as a co-sponsor of a special event will be permitted to sell and/or use alcohol in conjunction with an event. Family gatherings, reunions, private parties, graduation open houses and like events may not apply under this section. In any case where alcohol will be sold at a special event, any required state liquor license must be obtained in advance of the event and proof of same provided to the city upon request.
(B) Any qualified sponsor of an event that includes a request for the sale or consumption of alcohol must submit a separate special events application to sell/consume alcohol. This application will be reviewed by the City Manager and the Chief of Police. The city has complete discretion with respect to granting or denying such an application. If an application under this section is approved, the liability insurance requirements under section § 97.05 are mandatory and cannot be waived.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)
(A) The City Manager and/or Chief of Police may place additional requirements on any special event for good cause shown. These requirements may include specific staffing related to number of police officers, fire department personnel, paramedics, municipal services or other personnel. Additionally, the city may require for certain special events trash dumpsters, trash barrels, portable toilets, fencing, security personnel and/or other facilities or services. Expenses for these additional requirements will be the responsibility of or billed to the sponsoring person or organization unless specifically waived by the city.
(B) Additionally, depending on the special event in question and based further on any specific occurrences with past special events of a similar nature held on prior occasions, the City Manager or his/her designee may impose special conditions for any particular event. Failure to meet these special conditions could result in the cancellation or stopping of an event. Special conditions will be imposed only if it is deemed they are necessary to maintain the public health, safety or welfare of the community.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)
If two or more competing special event applications are received for the same date and time prior to approval of either application, the City Administration shall attempt to resolve conflicts with the sponsors of each application. If no resolution can be reached in this manner, the date and time the city received the application with requisite paid fees shall determine the order of preference.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)