(A) Any use of public facilities or property for a special event of any kind shall be in compliance with the special events use agreement issued by the city as well as all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances established by the city, Clinton County and the State of Michigan.
(B) All requests to hold a special event as defined in this section shall be through the established application process, with the submission of an application to hold a special event through the City Manager’s Office or his or her designee.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)
(A) The applicant/sponsor for any special event must complete a special events application and submit it to the City Manager’s Office or his or her designee. It is recommended that applications for special events be submitted 30 calendar days prior to the proposed event. Submitting an application does not guarantee that an event will be approved. Event dates for a particular city-owned facility or property are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
(B) All special event applications must be filled out completely and signed by an individual authorized to act for the group or entity hosting the special event. The person signing the application will be considered the official event representative. All requests to the city related to the event must be authorized and communicated by the official event sponsor or representative. Incomplete or unsigned applications will not be processed for approval. Any request for additional city services must be specified with as much detail as possible on the application.
(Ord. 612, passed 1-14-2013)