Miscellaneous Provisions
   156.001   Short title
   156.002   Purpose
   156.003   Conflicts with other laws
   156.004   Severability
   156.005   Repeal
   156.006   Effective date
   156.020   Rules applying to the text
   156.021   Definitions
General Requirements
   156.035   Nonconforming uses
   156.036   Supplementary use regulations
   156.037   Supplementary yard regulations
   156.038   Supplementary height requirements
   156.039   Accessory buildings; required yards
   156.040   District boundary exceptions
   156.041   Approval of plats
   156.042   Zoning of plats
   156.043   Public sanitary sewer connection
   156.044   Density computation
   156.045   Issuance of “building permit” per approved site plan
   156.046   Buffering and berms
   156.047   Grading and filling of land
General Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
   156.060   Purpose and intent
   156.061   Off-street parking and loading requirements
   156.062   Site development and construction requirements
   156.063   Table of off-street parking requirements
   156.064   Off-street waiting spaces for drive through facilities
   156.065   Approval for construction
   156.066   Lighting
   156.067   Off-street parking layout and design
   156.068   Off-street loading requirements
Sign Regulations by District
   156.080   Intent and purpose
   156.081   General
   156.082   Illumination
   156.083   Nonconforming signs
   156.084   Signs for nonconforming uses
   156.085   Off-site signs
   156.086   Auxiliary parking lot signs
   156.087   Public signs
   156.088   Temporary signs
   156.089   Special purpose temporary signs
   156.090   Signs in AG District
   156.091   Signs in R District
   156.092   Signs in RM District
   156.093   Signs in C-1, C-2 and C-3 Districts
   156.094   Signs in M District
   156.095   Maintenance of signs
   156.110   Divisions of the township
AG Agricultural District
   156.125   Intent and purpose
   156.126   Uses permitted by right
   156.127   Uses permitted after special approval
   156.128   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
R Single-Family Residential
   156.140   Intent and purpose
   156.141   Uses permitted by right
   156.142   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
RM Multiple-Family Residential
   156.155   Intent and purpose
   156.156   Uses permitted by right
   156.157   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
MH Mobile Home
   156.170   Intent and purpose
   156.171   Uses permitted by right
   156.172   Park size and mobile home density
   156.173   Access
   156.174   Site coverage
   156.175   Setbacks
   156.176   Mobile home height limits
   156.177   Vehicle travel lanes
   156.178   Minimum off-street parking requirements
   156.179   Utilities and other services
   156.180   Skirting, canopies and awnings
   156.181   Pads, mats or platforms
   156.182   Fire extinguishing equipment
   156.183   Utility cabinets
   156.184   On-site laundry drying space
   156.185   Mail delivery
   156.186   Greenbelt
   156.187   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
C-1 Local Business District
   156.200   Intent and purpose
   156.201   Uses permitted by right
   156.202   Uses permitted by special land use permit
   156.203   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
C-2 General Business District
   156.215   Intent and purpose
   156.216   Uses permitted by right
   156.217   Uses permitted by special land use permit
   156.218   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
C-3 Institutional Site Re-Use District
   156.230   Intent and purpose
   156.231   General conditions
   156.232   Uses permitted by right
   156.233   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
M Industrial District
   156.245   Intent and purpose
   156.246   Uses permitted by right
   156.247   Uses permitted by special land use permit
   156.248   Protective screening
   156.249   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements
Special Land Use Permit Requirements
   156.260   Intent and purpose
   156.261   Permit procedures
   156.262   Permit standards
General Administration
   156.275   General administration
   156.276   Enforcement
   156.277   Amendment
   156.278   Board of Zoning Appeals
Solar Energy Systems
   156.290   Purpose and intent
   156.291   Definitions
   156.292   Solar energy systems allowed as a permitted use (Residential SES)
   156.293   Solar energy systems which require a special use permit (Commercial SES)
   156.294   Standards for all solar energy systems
   156.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   Unobstructed Site Distance
   Appendix B:   Yards
   Appendix C:   Medical Marihuana Facilities
   Appendix D:   Recreational Marihuana Facilities
   Appendix E:    Building Heights
   Appendix F:   Schedule of Regulations