(A)   Buffering regulations.
      (1)   The intent and purpose of buffering is to protect residential uses from the negative impacts associated with nonresidential uses where residential and nonresidential uses abut.
      (2)   These negative impacts include noise, debris, odors, dust, dirt, traffic, soil erosion, rain water runoff and in some cases visible aspects of the abutting use.
      (3)   The buffer zone is also intended to prevent and improve blight in both residential and commercial areas by encouraging improvements to uses that abut Residential Districts.
      (4)   Buffering requirements shall be determined at the time of site plan review.
      (5)   If a berm is constructed as part of buffering, the standards in division (B) below shall apply.
   (B)   Minimum standards for berms.
      (1)   Berms shall be constructed so as to maintain a side slope not to exceed one foot rise to three foot run ratio.
      (2)   Berm areas not containing planting beds shall be covered with grass or living ground cover maintained in a healthy growing condition. Additional landscaping must be used within any areas that do not have a berm six feet high.
      (3)   Berms shall be constructed in such a manner so as not to alter drainage patterns on site or adjacent properties or obstruct vision for reasons of safety, ingress or egress.
      (4)   (a)   If a berm is constructed with a retaining wall or by terracing, the earthen slope shall face the exterior of the site.
         (b)   Residential construction of berms must be approved by the Building Inspector and do not require a site plan.
(Prior Code, § 15.312) (Ord. eff. 12-1-2019)