Special purpose temporary signs shall be allowed in any zoning district, providing that each such sign shall require a permit and be subject to the following restrictions.
   (A)   Time limit. A special purpose temporary sign may be displayed for no more than the number of days specified below, commencing on the issue date of the permit. At the conclusion of the permit period, the special purpose temporary sign must be removed from the parcel or stored indoors.
      (1)   Residential properties.
         (a)   Generally. Special purpose temporary sign permits shall be valid for a period of three consecutive days and no more than three special purpose temporary signs shall be allowed per residential parcel per calendar year.
         (b)   Exception. A sign advertising a compliant yard or garage sale is exempt from this provision, and such signs may be displayed as long as the sale is in compliance with other provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   Nonresidential properties. Special purpose temporary signs may be placed on a parcel for no more than 30 days in a calendar year and no more than four special purpose temporary sign permits shall be issued per parcel per calendar year.
   (B)   Size. A special purpose temporary sign shall be no larger than 32 square feet.
   (C)   Location. A special purpose temporary sign is subject to the height and setback restrictions for signs in the zoning district in which it is placed. No off-site special purpose temporary signs are allowed.
   (D)   Illumination. Illumination of special purpose temporary signs is permitted but only in accordance with § 156.082.
   (E)   Permits. A permit fee, as established by the Township Manager with Township Board approval, shall be charged, except for residential parcels, each time such sign is placed on the parcel.
   (F)   Tagging. All special purpose temporary signs shall display a tag, in a place conspicuous to inspectors, indicating the name of the permit holder, the permit number, the date the permit was issued and when it expires, said tag to be provided by the township.
(Prior Code, § 15.510) (Ord. eff. 12-1-2019)