§ 156.186 GREENBELT.
   (A)   A greenbelt planting strip of not less than 20 feet in width shall be placed along the perimeter of the mobile home park where it abuts public right-of-way or an area zoned in any other residential classification. The greenbelt shall be developed with a mixture of hardy deciduous and coniferous plant material and maintained thereafter in a neat and orderly manner. Withered and/or dead plant material shall be replaced within a reasonable period of time but no longer than one growing season.
   (B)   Excluded from such planting shall be the following plant material:
      (1)   Ailanthus (Tree of heaven);
      (2)   Box elders;
      (3)   Poplars;
      (4)   Soft maples; and
      (5)   Willows.
(Prior Code, § 15.1017) (Ord. eff. 12-1-2019)