Under such reasonable conditions as imposed by the Planning Commission as being essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare, not injurious to the surrounding neighborhood and not contrary to the spirit and purposes of this chapter, the following uses may be permitted by the Planning Commission:
   (A)   Automobile car wash establishments when completely enclosed within a building, including steam-cleaning, but not rust-proofing;
   (B)   Bowling alleys, pool and billiard halls, skating rinks, stadia and sports arenas;
   (C)   Commercial radio and television towers subject to regulations set forth in § 156.038;
   (D)   Drive-in restaurants or other drive-in establishments serving food and/or beverage, provided that the entrance or exit to or from any such use is located at least 100 feet from the intersection of any two streets; that all such uses shall have direct access to an arterial thoroughfare as defined on the township’s comprehensive development plan; that all lighting or illuminated display shall not reflect onto any adjacent residential zone; and that consideration is given to proximity of existing places of congregation of children (e.g. schools) and their relationship to traffic safety and sanitation;
   (E)   Filling stations and public garages;
   (F)   Open-air business uses including as follows:
      (1)   Retail sale of trees, shrubbery, plants, flowers, seed, topsoil, humus, fertilizer, trellises, lawn furniture, playground equipment and other garden supplies and equipment;
      (2)   Retail sale of fruit and vegetables;
      (3)   Tennis courts, archery courts, shuffleboard, horseshoe courts, miniature golf, golf driving range, children’s amusement park or similar recreation uses;
      (4)   Bicycle, trailer, motor vehicle boat or home equipment sale or rental services; and
      (5)   Outdoor display and sale of garages, swimming pools and similar uses.
   (G)   Outdoor sales space for the exclusive sale of new or used automobiles, trucks, mobile homes or travel trailers, boats or farm machinery and equipment, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   This special use is regulated by Ordinance 6-8-71, Section 4.30, page 15.070;
      (2)   The lot area used for display shall have a clean permanent (i.e., concrete, asphalt or stonecrete), durable and dust free surface and shall be drained in accordance with Ordinance 6-8-71, Section 4.19, Building Grades, Pages 15.058 to 15.060;
      (3)   Motor vehicles located on the property shall be in saleable and operable condition at all times. The exemption in §§ 71.03 and 71.04 of this code of ordinances does not apply;
      (4)   No major repair or refinishing shall be performed on the property, except within an enclosed building. Used component parts shall not be stored on or sold from the property; and
      (5)   Ingress and egress shall be provided as far as practical from two intersecting streets and shall be at least 50 feet from an intersection.
   (H)   Drive-in theaters, provided that any such site is adjacent to an arterial thoroughfare as shown on the township’s comprehensive development plan; that there shall be no vehicular access to any residential street, and that suitable screening is provided to ensure that there shall be no headlight or other illumination directed upon any residentially zoned or developed property;
    (I)   Wholesales stores, storage, buildings, warehouses, distributing plants, freezers and lockers; and
   (J)   Medical marihuana facilities subject to all requirements contained in Appendix C of this chapter. Exception: grower facilities are not permitted in the C-2.
(Prior Code, § 15.1203) (Ord. passed 8-23-2018; Ord. eff. 12-1-2019)