In the C-1 District the following uses are permitted:
(A) Business services; including banks, loan companies, insurance offices, public accountants, real estate offices, stenographic services, business consultants and management companies;
(B) Clothing services; including laundromats, laundry shops, dry cleaning establishments and self-serve dry cleaning centers, dressmaking, millinery shops, tailors and shoe repair shops;
(C) Skilled trade services; including plumbing, electric and heating technicians, radio and television repair, carpenters, painters and brick masons;
(D) Commercial offices; including advertising agencies, travel agencies, building contractors offices and corporation offices;
(E) Food sales and restaurants; including groceries, meat markets, delicatessens, bakeries, coffee shops, soda fountains, poultry sales and seafood sales, but not including drive-in restaurants serving any type of food or beverages, and any meat or poultry sales where slaughtering is done on the premises;
(F) Personal services; including beauty shops, barber shops, reducing salons and photographic studios;
(G) Professional services; including medical centers, doctors’ and dentists’ offices, attorneys, engineers, architects, landscape architects, planners’ and surveyors’ offices and opticians;
(H) Retail sales; including drug stores, stationery and book stores, news dealers, flower stores, haberdasher, household appliance shops, hardware stores, gift shops and art stores;
(I) General offices and professional office buildings;
(J) Schools, hospitals, convalescent homes, and nursing homes but not institutions for the care of the feeble-minded or mentally ill;
(K) Private schools including tutoring, dance and trade schools;
(L) Retail plumbing shops without open yard storage;
(M) All the above permitted uses, in addition to other similar uses, shall be subject to the following restrictions.
(1) All business or service establishments shall be for the purpose of dealing directly with consumers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on premises where produced.
(2) All business, servicing or processing, except for off-street parking or loading, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
(N) Accessory structures, uses and signs customarily incidental to the above permitted uses subject to the following restrictions.
(1) Any building and use for any of the above enumerated purposes may not have more than 40% of the floor area devoted to fabricating or storage areas incidental to such primary use.
(2) Outdoor advertising signs only when pertaining to the sale, rental or use of the premises on which it is located, or to goods sold or activities conducted thereon, provided that any such signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in total area and shall conform to the requirements of §§ 156.080 through 156.095.
(Prior Code, § 15.1102) (Ord. eff. 12-1-2019)