General Provisions
   111.01   Definitions
   111.02   Exemptions
   111.03   Mayor to be Liquor Commissioner
   111.04   Scope of review; appeals of Liquor Commissioner findings limited to record
Licensing Provisions
   111.15   License required; violation of license terms
   111.16   Application; contents; execution
   111.17   Provisions for non-issuance
   111.18   Location restrictions; certain businesses not subject to restrictions
   111.19   Classes of licenses; annual fees
   111.20   Allocation of number of licenses by class
   111.21   License year; proration of fee
   111.22   Payment of fee; refund if license denied; disposition of fee
   111.23   List of licenses in force; copies; revision
   111.24   Scope of license; transferability; decedent’s and insolvent’s estates; refund of fee
   111.25   Renewal privileges; rights not vested
   111.26   Change of location
   111.27   Revocation
Standards of Operation
   111.40   Closing hours; Sunday sales
   111.41   Unobstructed view of premises required; lighting standards; submission of plans
   111.42   Certain activities prohibited
   111.43   Dispensing of alcoholic liquor by minor
   111.44   Purchases by persons under age
   111.45   Misrepresentation of person’s age
   111.46   Possession or consumption by person under age
   111.47   Selling or delivering to person under age
   111.48   Underage persons; habitual drunkards
   111.49   Gambling and gambling devices
   111.99   Penalty